What if You Could See, Design, and Claim a Unique Future of Love and Creativity

Don’t make the mistake of thinking life is an endless commodity. Time will creep up and throw you a sucker punch.

Daniel & Ibrahim
IbraDan Creative


Daniel-Ibrahim ~ What if, today, you could stand in a realistic future perspective because you assumed endless “what if” possibilities? IbraDan Creative TAGS: Living My Best Life is Living a Creative Life, Joy of Life is Same Sex Love in Gay Relationships
What if, today, you could stand in a realistic future perspective because you assumed endless “what if” possibilities? ~ Photo Credit Daniel & Ibrahim

— get ready! ~ IbraDanCreative Yup! Opinion

We’re creatures of habit that get caught up in routines and set ways to think, act and feel. We muddle through life unconsciously, reacting to what the universe throw at us.

Then one day, you’ll wake up and ask yourself where the hell the last few decades of your life went. Is this as good as it gets? I know because it’s happening to me right now.

What if you explored new possibilities, stood in the future, and allowed yourself to create a different way to live, love and learn on your terms — shifting from your past to a new expressive present?

I thought I’d work for a great organization until 65, but I was tossed under the bus at 54. After that, I believed my relationship would last forever, and we parted ways. The home I built got sold. The project I started turned out differently than planned. My favourite plant died.. and I could go on and on…

Read: Have the guts to leave your job at the height of your career? My story will



Daniel & Ibrahim
IbraDan Creative

Get candid, witty, inspired writing to explore 'what-if' storytelling on love, life, creativity by a younger-older, eastern-western same-orientation couple.