QuickSwap Introduces Automated Liquidity Management with ICHI’s Yield IQ Vaults

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4 min readJan 10, 2024

ICHI and QuickSwap have joined forces bringing smart liquidity provision to users on the Polygon network. QuickSwap, an Automated Market Maker (AMM), has gained immense popularity for its speed and cost-effectiveness. With the introduction of ICHI’s innovative vault technology, QuickSwap is set to elevate the DeFi user experience by launching twelve new liquidity pools.

QuickSwap: A Polygon Pioneer

QuickSwap, a next-generation layer-2 decentralized exchange and automated market maker, has become a go-to platform for users seeking fast transactions and minimal fees. Built on the Polygon network, users can effortlessly trade ERC-20 tokens, leveraging the speed and cost advantages of Polygon. Despite its similarities to Uniswap, QuickSwap stands out due to its commitment to audited code, vibrant community and a user-friendly, permissionless environment.

Additionally, what makes QuickSwap unique is the fact that it’s a one-stop-shop for all your DeFi actions such as swapping, LPing, staking, and farming to earn rewards. It also comes built with other useful features like QuickPerps (a decentralized Perpetual Exchange), active liquidity management and more.

ICHI’s Vault Technology Revolutionizes Liquidity

ICHI’s Yield IQ vault technology is set to augment QuickSwap’s liquidity provision, introducing efficient and profitable liquidity provision. The launch of these new vaults on Polygon empowers users with unprecedented liquidity options.

ICHI’s vaults operate on the principle of dynamic liquidity management. For example, in the MATIC/QUICK vault, users can deposit their tokens, become Liquidity Providers (LPs) and earn fees from swaps made by other users. The same model applies to the MATIC/ETH vault and so on. ICHI’s algorithm ensures optimal token concentration, mitigating risks and offering LPs protection from significant losses during market fluctuations. The best part is that all of this is single-sided, so you only need to deposit one side of the pair to earn more of your favorite token.

How Does Yield IQ Exactly Work?

Yield IQ’s process is simple and efficient. Users deposit their preferred tokens into the platform, and Yield IQ allocates these tokens into concentrated liquidity AMMs, such as Uniswap V3, without initiating any swaps. In return, users receive LP tokens representing their share in the liquidity pool.

The true magic unfolds as Yield IQ, powered by Chainlink Automation, dynamically adjusts the concentrated liquidity position based on token arrangements and real-time market conditions. Users earn trading fees when trades occur, supplementing potential token appreciation. With vigilant oversight of token composition, Yield IQ guards against harmful arbitrage and market shifts. Users can withdraw their initial deposit and earnings at any time by exchanging LP tokens for their share of assets in the vault.

Whether in bull or bear markets, Yield IQ’s continuous monitoring and rebalancing mechanisms safeguard users from over-exposure and potential losses. This feature is particularly advantageous in volatile market conditions.

How Can I Access Yield IQ Vaults?

Users are now able to deposit into Yield IQ vaults through QuickSwap’s user-friendly interface. Pairs include MATIC, ETH, USDC, wBTC and more!

ICHI’s vaults welcome single-sided deposits of blue-chip assets, pairing these deposits with the QUICK token, to strengthen its liquidity. As more blue-chip assets enter the system, $QUICK gains resilience against market volatility, benefiting the QuickSwap community.

Closing Thoughts

QuickSwap, renowned for its efficiency and low fees as a layer-2 decentralized exchange, introduces twelve new liquidity pools, allowing users to seamlessly participate in dynamic liquidity provision. ICHI’s vaults, operating on the principle of dynamic liquidity management, offer a unique and efficient way for users to become liquidity providers and earn fees without the need for complex processes. As DeFi continues to evolve, this collaboration sets a new standard for secure, efficient, and user-centric liquidity provision on the Polygon network.

About QuickSwap

QuickSwap is the leading DEX on Polygon PoS, Polygon zkEVM, and Dogechain that’s fully decentralised and community-driven, building a comprehensive suite of DeFi products called the DragonFi ecosystem. It’s renowned for its high-performance, cost-efficient DeFi platforms, and pioneering role in onboarding new users and capital to the broader Polygon ecosystem.

About ICHI

ICHI is a concentrated liquidity manager that enables the use of sophisticated algorithmic strategies on AMMs. With its fully automated Yield IQ vaults, ICHI allows for all token holders to earn from liquidity provision. True to the spirit of DeFi, Yield IQ is governed by a self-executing smart contract, ensuring impartiality and decentralization. This ensures unrestricted, permissionless access and unalterable protocol behavior, serving as a truly decentralized financial tool.

Learn more by visiting the ICHI Website, Medium, Twitter or Telegram.

