featured on national TV news program, Money Today: Translation

Published in
5 min readFeb 4, 2020

During a broadcast to examine the future impact of DID technology, popular news program Money Today did a special feature on, a certificate issuance system built on ICON network. ICON’s expansive office and ICONLoop’s MyID Alliance also received spotlight including a brief interview with ICONLoop CEO Kim Jong-Hyup.

Video of the broadcast can be viewed on the official Money Today Youtube channel that has over 193,000 subscribers.

Money Today news reporter Kim Tae Hwan

[Reporter Kim Tae Hwan introduces DID]

“Decentralized proof of identification, otherwise known as DID, a service that registers and authenticates personal identity information on the blockchain, is rapidly spreading. Blockchain developers are moving to form alliances and increase the use of DID platforms in various industries.

The strategy to predominate the digital certification market, which is estimated to be 70 billion won(US$58,996,552), is to use DID.”

[Announcer explains process using the Certificate of Employment usecase]

Note: Certificate of Employment is a special mandatory document that proves the work experience detailed on one’s resume. In Korean work culture, it is issued by companies directly and is used when Koreans change to a new job as proof to their new company that they worked at the previous one.

Displaying interface

“To receive a certificate of employment, someone has to access the website and apply.”

“Blockchain validation completed”

“This certificate can be sent via e-mail and KakaoTalk message, and can be verified as an authentic document or a copied version.

This is Broof. The DID platform launched by blockchain development company, ICONLoop.

DID is a decentralized proof of identity which proves itself between people registered on the blockchain without being authenticated by a central authority.”

Showcasing the ICON office

[Kim Jong-hyup / ICONLoop CEO introducing MyID]

[Kim Jong-hyup / ICONLoop CEO]

“MyID Alliance received a Financial Sandbox exception and began operating the only non-face-to-face account service to receive a regulatory exception and can be applied to the entire financial industry. On that basis, the first goal is to secure a place in the financial sector with financial digital real-name certification. ”

Showcasing the process


“With DID, a single authentication can be used in various fields such as financial services, shopping, and certificate issuance. It also has the advantage of restoring data sovereignty as control of data changes from a central agency to an individual.”

[Professor at Sogang University, Lee Kunhee]

[Lee Kun-hee / Professor, Sogang University]

“In the case of China, the government oversees and manages personal information (of its citizens), which extremely invades the privacy of individuals. DID has great significance and potential in decentralizing this to create a framework that allows individuals to manage their own information.”


“The market size of digital certification that DID can replace right now is estimated to be about 70 billion won(US$58,996,552). In particular, mobile carriers and blockchain companies are actively developing and commercializing the DID platform.”

ICON office

“Competition to predominate the DID market will intensify with the launches of SK Telecom’s alliance “Initial Consortium”, ICONLoop’s “MyID Alliance”, and “DID Alliance” using RaonSecure’s technology.”


Please do your part in supporting the ICON network by using and promoting broof. It is a great usecase for ICON and an easy way to generate transactions for the network to offset inflation. Our team issued broofs at our ICON developer workshop and will be continuing to use it for our next hackathon and workshop in conjunction with our developed reputation system.

For workshops, hackathons and other official accomplishments, both will work great hand-in-hand to reflect users’ achievements. Read about ICON DAO’s cryptobadge here.

For more updates on our work as P-Rep or ICON activities in South Korea, please check our twitter and telegram chat linked below. And if you like the work we are doing, do not forget to vote ICON DAO!

ICON DAO is an ICON Network-based decentralized organization committed to providing the tools and services needed for users to easily develop and manage decentralized communities to collaborate and fund projects.

