2018 Monthly Update III

Published in
6 min readApr 16, 2018

Welcome to the latest edition of our Monthly Update series. In March, we hosted another successful Meet the Managers event, released our new DAA List page and new DAA metrics, released our first development overview, and much more.

New DAA Insights

Francis Lee of Future Crypto Economy (FCE) pointed out parallels between the venture capital world and the crypto-economy, discussed FCE’s unique weighting logic, and other topics in his interview.

Dirk-Jan Dorr, Maarten Dorr, and Nathan Hartman of Phoenix Paradigm Indicator (PPI) discussed the importance of customer service in their management strategy, the Dutch market for digital assets, and more.

Cain Ransbottyn of TRADE explained why he doesn’t like Bitcoin, the state of crypto in Belgium, and other subjects.

Events & Media

The new events page on our website makes it easy to keep track of where the next Meet the Managers event will be. We have also released a dedicated events page on Medium, where all summaries from past Meet the Managers events are available.

Check out our schedule of Meet the Managers events taking place this year and start planning your next visit!


  • ICONOMI co-founder Jani Valjavec went to Hong Kong to attend TOKEN2049, the biggest digital asset event in Asia.
  • Tim M. Zagar, ICONOMI CEO, represented ICONOMI at Money20/20 Asia in Singapore.
  • Between April 16 an 17, Matej Tomazin and Jani Valjavec will attend the Prestel & Partner Family Office Forum in Wiesbaden, Germany.
  • Our Meet the Managers event in Amsterdam will take place on April 24. If you want to learn more about ICONOMI and about digital asset management in general, sign up here.
  • The ICONOMI team will also be present at Consensus 2018, where you will have the opportunity to meet some of the most important faces behind ICONOMI! We will release more details as the date approaches.

Meet the Managers Events

ICONOMI in the Media

“We realized that there were many people who wanted to invest in digital assets but didn’t know how.”

  • ICONOMI COO Matej Tomazin gave an interview for Tristone.

“Blockchain and tokenization will have a serious impact on business, and ICONOMI will benefit from that impact. We see ourselves as one of the most important new fintech companies and intend to be one of the global leaders in this industry.”

  • Nenad Gregec of the ICONOMI legal team was quoted in Cryptonews.

“The industry is still in its infancy, so if regulation is too strict it could inhibit growth and innovation. However, somewhere with no regulation could put us in the territory of the Wild West,” he said. “We always strive towards regulation because it creates a level playing field and ensures safety for investors.”

New Features & Releases

New DAA List Page

Our new DAA List page is the easiest way to compare every DAA available on the platform. Check management fees, performance, assets under management, and more at a glance. Click a category heading to sort by that metric.

DAA Manager Reports

In the coming weeks, we’ll be enabling the option for DAA managers to generate hourly and daily DAA reports for assets under management and net asset value.

Development and DAA Quarterly Overviews

Our first ever development overview was released in March. The overview gives some insight on exactly what we’re working on and how much we are progressing toward these goals.

We also released our DAA performance overview for Q1, where we list last quarter’s top three best-performing DAAs.

New DAA Metrics

We have added new metrics for every DAA on the platform: volatility, max drawdown, and return (including all-time).


Q&A Session with DAA Manager Columbus Capital

We are excited to announce that we will be hosting a special guest for this month’s Reddit AMA: Columbus Capital.

We know you have a lot of questions for Columbus Capital, especially with their recent announcement that Nina will be launched imminently, so be sure to leave your questions here and join Columbus Capital this Wednesday, April 18 at 5PM CEST.

With over eight thousand subscribers, we think hosting DAA managers for Reddit AMA sessions is a great way for the community to get an in-depth look into our DAAs and for DAA managers to have an additional platform for communication.

If you have questions specific to ICONOMI, ask on Rocket.Chat, either in the #icnhodlers channel (for verified holders of 1,000 ICN or more) or the #amaquestions channel (open to everyone). Add a thumbs-up emoji to questions you like. We’ll collect the top three questions from #icnhodlers and the top two questions from #amaquestions and answer them in our Weekly Update next week.

Note: For questions asked on both channels, only the question posted first will be counted.

What’s Next?

Android Features

The next features for the Android app will be Tier 2 verification and an activity section. We’re always open to feedback about which features you’d like to see next, so feel free to give us your input by contacting support@iconomi.net.

Financial Report

We are currently preparing our Q1 Financial Report, which will follow a similar format to our last Financial Report, containing primary financial information as well as overviews from each department.

