Thank you for helping make ICONOMI’s first year a success.

ICONOMI Monthly Update — September 2017

Ervin K. Ursic


Welcome to our September 2017 update. With the debut of our first series of DAA managers, including such blockchain industry leaders as William Mougayar, Arnold Sternberg, Kenny Hearn, Victor Lai, and many more, September was our most exciting month yet.

One-Year Anniversary

ICONOMI’s first year has marked some historic milestones. Our team has expanded to include over thirty members, each playing a crucial role in ICONOMI’s success. Since we began, almost 30,000 users have registered for the platform. The infographic below outlines what we have achieved in our first year and illustrates exactly why our users have invested their trust with us.

Twelve New Digital Asset Arrays Presented by the First Wave of DAA Managers

We are proud to welcome the first round of Digital Asset Array managers to the platform! ICONOMI users can now choose between a wide variety of DAAs, each with its own competitive advantages, experienced management, and strong commitment to delivering value to its investors. Review the complete list of twelve DAAs here.

All ICONOMI users are now able to explore and buy into DAAs. Buying into DAAs is a simple and intuitive process. Check out our three steps for buying into DAAs article to learn how.

Recent Blockchain Events

On September 19, ICONOMI organized and presented at the conference How Blockchain Will Change the Financial Industry. The event was cosponsored by blockchain start-up incubator and by KD Skladi, the oldest and most respected and awarded asset management company in Slovenia. Among other prominent speakers, ICONOMI CEO Tim M. Zagar discussed how blockchain will transform the traditional finance industry, and ICONOMI CTO Jani Valjavec talked about the importance of security.

Tim M. Zagar speaking at the ICONOMI conference “How Blockchain Will Change the Financial Industry”

Upcoming Blockchain Events

ICONOMI team members will be speaking at several events in the coming weeks. On October 18, Ervin Ursic Kovac, ICONOMI COO, will be speaking at the roundtable “How the blockchain world will look in 5 years” at a conference organized by the leading Slovenian financial magazine. The EU Blockchain Meetup, which will be held in Slovenia on October 20, will bring together companies, government, and legislators to discuss how to create a regulatory environment favorable to blockchain companies. Attendees will have the chance to meet Jani Valjavec at Devcon 3, the primary Ethereum developers conference.

Project Transparency

ICONOMI is proud to be a founding member of Project Transparency, an industry-led self-governance initiative to improve transparency and accountability in the blockchain space.

Upgraded Trading Engine

In September, we further upgraded our proprietary trading engine. Enhancing our best execution algorithm, which increases net gain by lowering transaction costs, reaffirms us as market leaders in trade execution. BLX has since been rebalanced using the new trading engine.

October Reddit AMA

Our next Reddit AMA will be held on Tuesday, October 17, 2017. As always, our monthly AMAs provide the chance to ask questions and get answers directly from the source.

Keep an eye on our Facebook and Twitter pages to stay up to date with our progress!

