ICONOMI Weekly Update

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4 min readMar 30, 2018

Dear users,

Welcome to the latest edition of the ICONOMI Weekly Update series. Among many other activities, this week we released our first development overview and hosted another successful Meet the Managers event in London.

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We’d also like to wish you a happy Easter from the ICONOMI team!

Q1 Development Overview

Yesterday we published our first development overview to give the ICONOMI community a look into what our development team is working on and the progress of each of the development goals outlined in our ICONOMI in 2018 roadmap.

DAA List

If you haven’t yet, check out the new DAA List page we released last week. The DAA List page is the easiest way to compare every DAA available on the platform. Check management fees, performance, assets under management, and more at a glance. Click a category heading to sort by that metric.

Columbus Capital Pinta Update

Pinta has made three new investments: 300 ETH in Futourist and 2,000 ETH each in two projects that are still in the very early stages of private fundraising. For privacy reasons, Pinta’s investments in these projects are currently listed as “Undisclosed,” but they will be disclosed as soon as it is possible to do so.


Meet the Managers: London

Yesterday’s event in London was another success. We received strong positive feedback from the attendees and will publish a complete overview of the event next week.

ICONOMI COO Matej Tomazin, Levi Meade of Columbus Capital, Nina Pfifer of 51North, Columbus Capital co-founder Igor Erker, and Christophe Sailland of Helford Capital Partners held a discussion panel on achieving blockchain mass adoption

Meet the Managers: Madrid

Our next Meet the Managers event will be held in Madrid on April 5 at 4:30PM. There will be talks in English and in Spanish covering a variety of topics, as well as an interactive panel discussion in English: “Achieving Blockchain Mass Adoption: What Will It Take?” Seats fill up quickly, so sign up soon if you’re interested in joining us!

Media Highlights

“The really burning question right now is whether nations will be able to adapt to this new economic reality fast enough and become true Crypto-Nations: a nation where cryptocurrencies are embraced, clearly and fairly regulated, taxed, powering multiple level of their economies, capital formations, and workforce, while improving overall value creation and political impact on a global scale.”

“‘The planned regulations will make us one of the first nations worldwide to regulate this topic this broadly, laying the groundwork for extensive economic applications’, said Hasler during his speech at the Finance Forum in Vaduz.

“It seems the main barrier to adoption is understanding. The HardFork series is providing an example for others to follow and raising awareness about the fascinating technological advances in this space, while aiming to bring down those barriers in a fun and engaging way.”

WEEKLY SNEAK PEEK: Hourly and daily AUM and NAV reporting for DAA managers

Next week, we’ll be enabling the option for DAA managers to generate hourly and daily DAA reports for assets under management and net asset value.

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