ICONOMI Weekly Update

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5 min readApr 27, 2018

Dear users,

Welcome to the last Weekly Update of April. Over the past week, we released our Q1 2018 Financial Report, hosted our fourth successful Meet the Managers event in Amsterdam and published a follow-up, and more.


Meet the Managers: Amsterdam

On Tuesday, April 24, ICONOMI hosted another Meet the Managers event, this time in Amsterdam. Speakers included Menno Pietersen of CARUS-AR, Nathan Hartman of Phoenix Decentralized Solutions, and Cain Ransbottyn of TRADE.

Read the full write-up on our Meet the Managers event in Amsterdam.

Q1 Financial Report

Yesterday, on April 26, we released our Q1 Financial Report, where we detailed our revenue, expenditures, burn rate, book value, and other essential financial statistics. The Financial Report also contains in-depth reports on each department’s achievements in Q1 and goals for the future.

RocketChat Q&A

From #icnhodlers channel

  1. Are you going to disclose: a)the full mission statement of the ongoing audit as communicated to the consultant by iconomi? b)The final audit report in full length once provided by the auditor to iconomi? by ico_trooper

The blockchain audit took place on April 5. On April 20, we published an announcement, the results, and a technical overview of the process. The blockchain audit proved that on April 5, 2018, ICONOMI had $133.6M of liabilities and $210.2M of reserves, distributed across 80 digital assets, fully covering all liabilities.

2. Why has the airdrop of OmiseGo Tokens never been added to Pinta? Will the omg tokens be sold for ICN buybacks ?

by gnossienli

Airdopped OmiseGo tokens were sold for ETH, of which some will be added to Pinta and some will be used for buybacks. Details will be disclosed in the Q2 Financial Report.

3. Will it be possible to add swaps on ICONOMI dashboard e.g. swap BLX for FCI?

by benbrick

This feature is not currently on the immediate road map but would be useful for ease of use and is something we may implement in the future.

From #public channel

4. Previously it’s been stated that the fiat gateway will begin in early Q2 at the latest. Many people would define early Q2 as before Q2 is halfway over (middle of May). Is ICONOMI still on track to implement the fiat gateway in this timeframe?

by stephen

The fiat gateway will still be released in Q2 but is unlikely to be ready by the middle of May. Reaching this milestone depends not only on our work, but also on our partners, especially banks. Opening crypto-related bank accounts takes time; some banks are not open to working with crypto-related companies at all, and those that are usually require additional checks before opening an account, which can be a lengthy process.

5. Previously in January of this year one of the DAA managers of SOPR said on their telegram that ICONOMI was a few weeks away from listing 50 new coins. Assuming what this DAA manager said was accurate, what has been the reason for the delay of listing these new coins?

by stephen

A critical requirement for a coin to be supported on the ICONOMI platform is liquidity, which has dropped dramatically across the board in recent weeks. Additionally, the most liquid coins are often those with custom blockchains, which requires us to design custom cold storage solutions as well. Coins will continue to be added on a gradual basis.

Media Highlights

“The blockchain audit combined the know-how of our Deloitte advisors from the financial industry, coupled with their technical blockchain expertise, to develop a best of both worlds approach tailored to the specifics of blockchain companies.”

“Regardless of the communication channels we were using, our communication was always clear, thoughtful and sincere, and we were constantly observing the market. We never over-promised — we just did it.”

“Stepping back, the milestone, the first million-bitcoin marker to be crossed since mid-2016, is perhaps noteworthy as yet another reminder of the technology’s core computer science achievement — digital scarcity created and enabled by shared software.”

Sneak Peek

The dates of our first ever Meet the Managers events in Asia are in place: The ICONOMI team and guest speakers will be in Hong Kong on May 29 and Singapore on May 31. We’ll be releasing full details for these events soon, so keep an eye on our events page!

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