Trading Engine Upgrade, DAA Rebalancing Page, and a New Exchange Integration

Miha Vidmar
Published in
2 min readAug 14, 2018


Today, we are happy to announce a major technology upgrade and one of the biggest milestones from our 2018 roadmap. Because the trading engine is at the core of the ICONOMI platform and powers every Digital Asset Array, this upgrade introduces enhancements for both end users and DAA managers.

We have also released a brand-new DAA manager rebalancing page and integrated another exchange. This combination of releases further improves on the user-friendly and effortless management of your digital assets.

Upgraded Trading Engine

At the end of July we silently released our new trading engine, which was slowly ramped up in capacity up to today’s full release. From the start of August to today, we have already processed almost twice the number of trades compared to the entire month of December 2017, which was our busiest month since the ICONOMI platform went live.

The new trading engine allows for faster and more robust processing, enhancing DAAs by allowing greater volume in a shorter period of time. For DAA managers, this means more active DAA management and rebalancing opportunities (which means more fees paid in ICN).

Moving forward, the trading engine will be continuously monitored and improved.

DAA Rebalancing Page

DAA managers are now able to propose their preferred digital assets and assigned weights with just a few clicks. This release represents an important step in the complete automation of the rebalancing process to the greatest extent possible by regulatory frameworks.

Additional Exchange Integrated

Finally, we integrated a new exchange, and we plan on integrating at least two more by the end of the quarter. Each new integration enables us to get better rates, a wider range of digital assets, and better overall system stability.

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