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Ideal Design
We believe designers share a responsibility to shape the future. It starts with sharing our aspirations and practices to design for people over paychecks.
Note from the editor

In 2020 the world has glimpsed a rare moment of clarity on what matters most to humanity. Accessible healthcare and essential services, education, equity, security, freedom of speech, sustainability. And yet many of us are only practicing design to make big companies bigger bottom lines. Ideal is a place where we design for people over paychecks. The system is in question and designers will play a role in reshaping the future. We are interested in your submissions via this form: https://forms.gle/xJEhBjc86TgHe8EZ9

Go to the profile of Lily Kollé
Lily Kollé
Creative Director. I write about minimalism, design, self-reliance, traveling and thinking differently.