Design Research — 05 Final Presentation

Yvette Huang
Ideation & Prototyping
4 min readDec 17, 2021

Topic: LGBTQ + Healthcare

In this section, we were working on the research with NYU Langone Health. This research is about improving the patient experience for gender-expansive people.

Week 01 Research

Week 02 Research& Ideation

Week 03 Prototype

Week 04 Prototype & Demo

This week we finally had our final presentation with our client. We re-organized the story, improved it to make it more coherent, and practiced a few times.

About Our Project

Here’s the wrap of our whole project.

Demo Video by Vasu

This video sufficiently presents our final output and explains the process clearly.

Research & Insights

With the reminder that the presentation is not a research buffet, we tried to make it simple and clear to the audience. We concluded the whole researches, survey, and interview we did by a structure in a wider perspective from the society.

What we could do better next time is adding the quote from the interviewees to emphasize the point and make the audience impressed. While I was organizing this part, I just focused on making it clear but may lead the information to flat, neglecting to show the features of different research methods.

During the discussion in/ off class, Kathleen always reminds us to think about the motivation that why we are using this type of method, what kind of information we want to get. Also, the transition between them while presenting it.

What I have done is summarize the results and I could make it tight together by showing the features and connecting them to our purpose.

Problem Statement

To break the loop and improve the trust between gender-expansive patients and healthcare providers, how might we create a platform for both of them and build a sense of community?

Journey Map


About the user, we have 4 personas because we not only care about the patients but also the service providers. Although we mainly focus on gender-expansive patients, the system actually involves administrative staff and healthcare providers who provide the services.

Structure Flow

We divided our idea into 4 sections for different users.


We did the digital and analog touchpoints to consider all types of users.


I went back to check the Mural board we did at the beginning of this semester and found my expectation of this class and was surprised that the class fulfilled all of them, especially the final project.

  1. User Research Methods
    Before taking this class, I had no experience in user research methods, like user journey maps, user flow, or persona. I learned it from the class and had a chance to implement it in this project.
  2. Group working
    This is my first time dealing with a design problem of this type and working with people from diverse backgrounds. Everyone has their own strengths and special aspects of this topic. I learned a lot from my groupmates about the way they think and how they do the project. I really enjoy working with my group.
  3. Storytelling (the order/ presentation)
    I am always struggling with storytelling. How to convey a concept and information efficiently and sufficiently is such a challenge. I especially appreciated the lecture about storytelling before our final presentation. Having the tips and the chance to practice storytelling through the presentation is helpful and I learned a lot from the process.

Finally, thanks to my group, we did a great job!

And thanks to Kathleen who has always been so patient and provided a lot of advice and help to us no matter in class or off class. I learned a lot from her not only from the content in class but also from how she arranged and organize the class. It’s a wonderful journey with her and all of my classmates. I’ll keep the experience and advice with me along my future journey. :D

