Go to Idib Group
Idib Group
A User Experience agency located in Italy and USA. Research, storytelling and superior design are our ingredients to let your ideas come to life.
Note from the editor

A User Experience agency located in Italy and USA. Research, storytelling and superior design are our ingredients to let your ideas come to life.

Go to the profile of Francesco Stagno d’Alcontres
Francesco Stagno d’Alcontres
User Experience Designer e Founder di iDIB Group. Giro, vedo gente, mi muovo, conosco, faccio delle cose …
Go to the profile of Donatella Ruggeri
Donatella Ruggeri
Comunicatrice seriale, mi occupo di user experience, divulgazione scientifica, neuropsicologia e formazione.
Go to the profile of Manu Reggi
Manu Reggi
Il design è uno stato d’animo e uno stato mentale. Non basta guardare le cose in modo diverso, bisogna anche sentirle.