Big Humanity, in steps. — All studies have the same core, essentially. 4 steps in the study process: The start, essentials, absolute truth, and the outcome of a puzzle.

Big Humanity, is the study of finding the absolutes in life and translating them to daily life. I made this field, as a part of Big History. The core is: Find all absolutes and translate them into daily life, creating the best life. But it is actually what all studies do, all humans wonder, can research to answer their questions, and try to prove those findings as true or untrue. At the end of a study process, people find absolute truths, with scientific laws and math formulas, over time. So, Big Humanity is also an essential study finding absolutes in life, how all functions, also how studying functions, and how the study process goes. All the things we can study can become bachelor studies, or masters or doctorate studies, on their own, or modules in other studies. So, the steps described in this article, can be studied on all levels, also the highest levels, and create the best studies with these steps as a foundation in all we do. These steps can individually be studied on the highest levels, and be courses in each others studies. It can also be a foundation or academic skills, one studies before studying on their original study topic.

Jiska Hachmer
Big Humanity and If I was a president
19 min readJan 9, 2021


“Your best output will be someones else's best input. “- Jiska Hachmer


The goal for this field is to find all scientific laws, but one can also use all found, and create an essential study, about what people at least need to function well. Something like the basic needs, humans need to survive. We could continue these studies, even after finding the absolute truth, on how warm the temperature should be to survive best, or how many minutes truly can live without Oxygen, or what more we need in air, etc. We could keep studying these facts, with math formulas, and find the absolute scientific ideas, in scientific laws, showing us why this is so, and what then always functions this precise way. We know we need some things at all times, but how does that truly function? And why? What is the math formula? From absolutes, we find, to the scientific laws, and math formulas, so we can prove the function and understand it precisely as if it is the gravity we explain.

We can focus on a type of question, and find the absolute truth for that particular question.

All scientific laws together will explain our world, the way “the best” human could discover, the truth of the world we live in, and the truth in how we should live the best ways. We could also study, if the human could ever find the absolute truth, truly. Or to what extend. We can use Big Humanity, simply to find absolute truths.

Science is a process, studying is a process, human life has processes and is within a process of the universe. We need to get through all the studies and search for the scientific laws, finding the absolute end of the studies, to know the absolute truth of our studies.

By having such a field, like Big Humanity, we can help people to continue their studies, and to know there is an end, we can get to. To know the process from A-Z, which is simply the scientific method, and the process with that method, where all keep studying, and adding research, until we find the absolute end, of the truth, with the scientific laws and math formulas. Proving what we have found, and explaining how it functions, and how it always functions for everyone, in that situation, like gravity, and all other scientific laws already found.

One could study all scientific laws, too, and simply explain those, and translate those to daily life. One can help raise the education level and help people to know the absolutes already found.

This might also gain the chance to find more scientific laws, as one is now used to use the scientific method, and to continue studies to that point of absolute truth. Understanding all the rest might be true but are theories or ideas of how the things we study might be true.

Big Humanity has 4 basic steps throughout any study:

  1. The start
  2. The essentials, like academic skills, and foundation studies, and pre-studies, to do the actual study best.
  3. The absolutes truths and scientific laws. The study itself, including Big History, as it is meant as a part of Big History, in the Thresholds about human life, and modern life, adding onto scientific laws and translating those to daily life. No matter what study you do, also the scientific laws will be found, eventually. This part of the studies can be any attempt to find those laws. In the end, someone that does find them will add new scientific laws. You can also be continuing the study process, it can be a long process before one finds the absolute truth, and you need to start somewhere with your studies, to eventually get to the scientific laws. You can work on previous studies, or start a new study, wherein science, in the end, one will find scientific laws. No matter the study, one doesn't skip the scientific laws, in Big Humanity. Even if you do not focus on them, you do realize they could be there.
  4. The puzzle, “the sum of all findings”, or the math to find the meaning of the outcomes. Puzzling out how all fits, and works, together. Because it focuses on the scientific laws translated into daily life: To make life the best.

Big Humanity has also 3 parts/ dimensions:

A basic development as a human, focussing on:

1. yourself and your own development,

2. your studies about human,

3. and the scientific laws, finding them and translating them into daily life.

Because one studies within their own life, the study, and your own life, will be within processes, and dimensions and you and your studies will develop during life from your own world, the world where you address all you could think of, with studies, and in the end, the entire process in science, studying, growing, and learning where one could find the end of a study, the scientific laws.

You might stay within your own world, or stay within the world of simply studying something you like, without ending the study with a scientific law, but you could end up in the scientific laws.

Just to give it all a place, and to see where one could go.

Because Big Humanity is the study of the scientific laws and translating them to daily life, one is more aware of that and studying that, in these studies. The scientific laws, and the translation of them, to daily life, is the interest, the focus of the studies, and field.

Read more about that here:

I am still further developing Big Humanity, although anyone can already use these ideas and study Big Humanity, and further shape the field.

I want to add as a section to this study, the human rights, ombudscycles, and tribunals, where one studies loss of sovereignty, and how we should understand the absolutes on when something or someone loses sovereignty, if it is existing, and on how to use Big Humanity science, and the scientific laws in letting one lose sovereignty when one tells not the truth or brings people into danger.

This must get a shape though, and I am working on that.

First I make my school for the ombudscycle, and my One World for the Ombudscycle (OWO) divisions bigger, and Big Humanity itself.

Especially first the parts “the start”, “the essentials”, as the essence is also about ethics, human rights, sciences, scientific method, academic skills, and SEL. Also, an add on, and as a part of the essentials, how to not develop crime and DSM, and other damages, and how to add honor codes, higher literacy, and good examples, and create the absolutes in that part of the field.

Then, the part of Human rights, ombudscycles and tribunals can be part of the Big Humanity study itself, to further work on scientific laws, and how to use the absolute science, the scientific laws and translate them into daily life, and laws, including the loss of sovereignty when one is wrong in the human rights, which would mean, one would not understand the absolutes, and the needs humans have to function correctly, as human rights mean

Thank you for reading a lot of my work, since I published about this academic field I made, I could see a clear rise in how much people read. So, I think, people like to know more about it. I will work hard and hope to have a lot more soon, so one can continue their own studies in Big Humanity too. You will see the work I do on this develop over time.

1. The start: All things we wonder about are the starts of studies.

A human needs to start wondering about the best things to survive, to survive best.

How to do it all, to survive? How to do it all best, to survive best?

When we wonder, we can go further with the next steps, finding answers to what we wonder about.

Humans depend on all the best knowledge, best input to the process, so they can know the best. So, we should wonder about specific things, that will let us live in the best ways. Some people do not wonder the same things, and we should not force this process, as it would be a violation of human rights, but we do need to wonder about the things we depend on, so we find the best answers to survive. One could also, want to wonder about the best things, to find the best things to study on. We could study what humans should be thinking of to survive.

We can find important things to do, to live better.

We need to find the best ways, without violations, and to let kids be kids, without forces, to let a human be human, but to still find natural ways to create the best thinking process.

People can take away unethical things, so one can only do ethical things. This is a difference in raising and a difference in what people wonder about when they are raised. This different foundation, creates a different life, with different possible outcomes. We can study this, and how we can do this correctly, and in the best ways.

Humans learn, and wonder, then research and find answers to their questions.

Also, If one can find the studies on finance, and how to earn fairly, best, and how to get funds…

Since the coin is invented, people live with this from the start.

So, now we need to think of, how all can have an income? Or how to work without money? This is actually a bit unnatural, but it is a part of “the start”, why one studies, and works, and how we should do this best.

How to create the best income? What should the best minimum income be? I think it is 15k p.p. p.m., because the highest average income is that high (world data, 2015), and we need to close the gap between rich and poor (TED, 2017). So, I think, if we at least all have that highest average as a minimum, we closed the gap fairly, or partially, so all at least have one last gap left, from that minimum to the maximum income. All other differences are gone then.

I think we need to keep the minimum the highest average, and only go up, never go down, so people never lack, but one needs to puzzle out if that is true, and how to do this best if it is true. This can be a study.

I think, we also need to study all other ways, to drop the crime rate, as lots of crimes are money-driven. Also, to survive if something goes wrong with money. Also, not at all times, we can depend on money, we need to be sustainable, self-reliant, etc.

You can simply study this and make it a BSc degree study, and a master's and Ph.D./ Doctorate degree study and teach it, and humans learn about it. Because it is now part of our start in life, I think, it fits here, at “the start”, and to teach it also at the start, before one goes into the essentials. Perhaps one studies it again, later on, to look back on how the mind can be addressed, and what the differences in thinking are, when one studies on this, on different moments in life, to be complete in that study? But I added this here because one now is raised as if it is a part of the start of life.

This study does need to become an absolute best way, placed in the best place in the total study. Also, this study is important, so no one will be in child labor, nor a slave, nor ill because of damages because of the system made.

The study, “the start” will grow into a lot of things. Not only these things. And the goal is, to have the study of things we do at the start, before one starts with foundations, academic skills, simply how life starts. Including these things humans made up, and how to change that for the better.

Note. Also, to do science, one does not have to skip religion, or believes, one will address their own mind naturally, when finding the best start in life, the best environments, the best ways to do things, and will add their studies within their own world. Also, in the conclusion in everyone's life, one does not have to skip the complete story, the findings of science will come into.

One can study all these parts, also religion. The point of Big Humanity is how we can find that absolute best way, so, all get the best, including their own space for religion, etc. You can add all your ideas here, and try to find absolutes on this. You might find the absolute nature of a connection with God, or more than one universe, despite we also study Big History, as a core, where we study the part from the Big Bang. Science is about adding science, too. So, you can study anything, and add it as science, as long as you do the scientific method.

2. Essentials, So, we need to study what we should wonder?

If we do not wonder the things we need to wonder, we do not know the answers.

But we cannot force people, make them slaves, and exploit them, to let them wonder the best things.

That would be a human rights violation, and not at all the best ways to think best.

We cannot skip human rights, ethics, sciences, academic skills, and SEL. We need to find the absolute best way of learning, wondering, and studying. Also, we need to drop the crime rate to keep the education and all input correct, so we need honor codes, good examples, and higher literacy.

There is this Essence we need, the essentials of studies we need to study to think wiser.

3. Absolute truth, scientific laws.

The scientific laws show the absolute truth, the rest is our own opinion, choice, religion, believe, for ourselves.

We do even redo the sciences, at all times, and keep studying, also the scientific laws. Sometimes one even changed them, still. But the scientific laws are the most truth we can find.

We can only let all understand the same truth, with absolutes, like gravity. The scientific laws, are true for everyone, at all times. The math formulas always work. When we have theories, we did not find the absolute truth yet.

Humans depend on free choices, freely thinking, finding new ideas to study, to find, in the end, the best things to study, to find new absolute truths. Science is a process, in the end, one finds the scientific laws, before that, people explore, and study, freely.

So all wonder and think themselves, and will find more ideas to study on. This also can lead to finding all variables, we could possibly find as humans, and freely study them, to find the absolute truth, in the end, in that process of learning and science.

So, we need to understand that process of finding the truth, and cannot force people into theories, or opinions, as those are not yet absolutely true.

So, human rights, ethics, sciences, academic skills, and SEL are very important to understand this process.

We cannot violate human rights, we must let everyone be free. We cannot violate ethics, where we know we must do the true and right thing, it would be unethical forcing someone to do things, we cannot prove as true and necessary to do. We cannot skip the sciences, which explain all we know, and explain what is a theory, and what is absolutely true. We cannot skip being critical, or skip the math, etc, we have our academic skills to help us find the truth. We, also, cannot skip Social-Emotional Learning, we can be self-aware, with empathy, control emotions, solve conflicts, be persevere, be responsible, this leads to understanding how others would feel if we would violate human rights, truth, ethics, etc. We understand with SEL we cannot lie, and just force people to think the things we want them to think, we are aware the scientific process is the way it is, and things take time, etc. This social-emotional development leads to wanting to do things correctly, and not violate.

4. Puzzle it all out.

Finding all the variables, puzzle, find all outcomes and choose the best outcomes to make life best.

We need to get all we can study on, all possible variables a human could find, and find the absolute truth in it all, to understand the maximum of what the smartest human ever could understand, and to create the best world for humans, the best ways a human possible could create that.

So, we need to know nature and the true nature in humans and need to know all variables, we need to study, to find that true absolute best.

Also, the best environment to be our best selves in. How do we become the best in ourselves? And how naturally, without violations?

We puzzle with all those outcomes and find what all scientific laws mean together, to explain ourselves and the world we live in.

There are more things to learn, besides these steps, and are basic understanding, a part of the Essentials, and the Start, and the Basic of the studies, in step 1–3.

Humans live within themselves, so we do not know what is best.

We will always find what humans can find. God might find we should find other things to do…

For example, if humans had no eyes, we had only the other senses and would skip a dimension, and only create the world without sight. Imagine all our senses gone, we would not be creating a world, like that today, as we could not.

In that way, we do not know what senses we miss as humans, yet. There is an evolution over time we have more features, but we do not know yet, what we possible could be. We are not creating the super being, fitting best in the universe, or changing the humans and the universe so we have the best living. We do try to survive as humans, with the ways humans know.

Humans live with the senses in between their brains and the outside world, which makes them guess about what they experience, and makes them never sure about the truth (Purves, N.D.).

Homo Sapiens features, collective knowledge

Humans depend on knowledge and sharing.

Our features are, speech, art, handling more of the same kind compared to other species, and collective knowledge.

We express, share, and understand each other, which is a miracle, as all humans wonder and guess inside themselves, with the senses in between their brain and the outside world, so nothing they know for sure.

At the same time, humans depend on the knowledge shared, because we share so much, we survived as a species, this sharing of our collective knowledge with each other is the reason why we are the longest living species, ever (Christian, and Baker, N.D.).


It is about how you wonder, for what you will make of it all.

All output of others, become your input. And the input you had, will be processed inside of you, also depending on how well you can process and how well your environment is, so you can process best and learn best, and get the best input to process. But then it is processed, all the input you did get, in the way, you got it, including what all of that can do, and then, there will be output. This output will be someone else's input. You can study all these variables, in the process, and all the possible variables a human could find and could study.

There can also be things you do not easily see, which are a part of these variables and which create a different outcome. So, we will need to keep studying, also when we found absolutes, and translated them to daily life, to see if there is more.

For example, with positive reinforcement, there can be other input coming along causing fears or phobias. So, only the idea of the best input, the best processing, in the best environment, is the best output, is not enough. There is more. So, we need to go deep and find more dimensions, to study the same things we found.

With Big Humanity you can study, for example, what is the best way to study, how people can process best, how input can become even better, etc. There is a lot to study, also a lot we might not see at first sight.

When we find all these absolutes, we see a lot better what we could do in life to live in the best ways, and to get the best outcomes.

The better we process all those wonderings people can do, and all the research people can do, and all the scientific laws one could find, and puzzling out how it all fits together, the best we live.

We need to understand in the best ways, how processes go in life, how people go through them, and then, how they go through them the best in life.

Our wondering, research, scientific laws findings, and puzzling with all outcomes, will also adjust along the way. We will find better outcomes and this will affect each part of the process.

Also, in this entire process of being with ourselves, in life, and being with other people, also processing life, and each other, we will process these findings, which will have another effect on each other.

We can also, study how we, as humans, affect each other during this process, also, how to be the best for someone else in their lives, and how others can be the best in our lives.

Together, we can try to fit best into life, and try to change all for the best, so we live the best and the longest possible as a species.

Your studies

Choosing your own studies, after your own start, and the essential studies.

Studying all you like, love, prefer and want. For your future dreams.

Feel and plan your life, as far that is possible. Feel what matters to you. Find the things you wonder about. Do all you can, and find your variables to study on, find the puzzle you want to study.

During your studies: See how life goes, how you grow into things, how life can change, and how you can become better.

Choose the things you want, and find out what it means later on.

You can focus on things, you can study more broadly: You can try to study how to do all we can do as humans in the best ways. Also, how to start, learn, what the essential things are you would need, and what the absolute truths are, and how all of that comes together.

And most of all, simply doing the process of wondering, thinking, and studying.

Those findings you will place into your life, within the moments life brings. So, it will your studies and your development will evolve in your life. You can keep working on the entire process of developing and evolving in your life, so your dreams come true.

Help kids get their human rights and help them get what they dream of.

Our human right duty is, only human rights.

Governments only must do the human rights, all people only must do the human rights, but for kids, and first our own kids and family, we also, have the duty to help them get their human rights, and help them achieve their dreams and wishes because they depend on us.

Everyone is competent by law, also kids, even babies, so, we also must interpret them correctly, and we are never allowed to force influence or interfere, but we do must help them get their human rights and help them research to find all information. We help them when they want to join, although that's never allowing us to force them.

This freedom is very safe, human rights are very safe, it includes not violating other people's rights. So, in the end, human rights work.

Human rights have a few more duties, all together it is: kids must be in the extension of the home, in an adult world where the parents are engaged with the kids, never separated from the mother/ parent, and to help them get their human rights, not interfere, force, influence, and help them achieve their dreams, without violating human rights, and accepting kids, also babies as competent.

Their world is growing, and we help them along the way, to get what they want. They will grow into their wishes and dreams and eventually grow into their own total independence, taking care of all others depending, at that time, so it will evolve in their lives. It is a natural way of living, and growing into being who we are, while always being competent, but simply growing into things in life.


Christian, D, and Baker, D. (N.D.) Big History: Connecting Knowledge. Macquarie University through Coursera. Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (19th of October, 2020) My academic field Big Humanity: Dividing the curriculum into three parts. Medium. Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (26th of September, 2020)Big Humanity- Human development, your own development, and finding your most natural true self and most natural true questions to research, by also researching yourself, besides the scientific laws. Medium. Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (5th of December, 2019) Scientific Laws and the brain: F=m*a, and velocity. Good input creates good output. Bad input is bad output and bad velocity. Medium. Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (30th of December, 2020) Potty training, the child will need to build a bridge to get to the other side of potty training. — You can help your child. Medium. Retrieved from

World Data (2015) Average income around the world. World data. Retrieved from

TED (23rd of October, 2017) Lessons from the longest study on human development | Helen Pearson. Youtube. Retrieved from

Purves, D. (N.D.) Visual Perception and the Brain. Duke University through Coursera. Retrieved from

