Go to If Ovarian Cancer Is Whispering, Are You Listening?
If Ovarian Cancer Is Whispering, Are You Listening?
FUNDS RAISED: GBP 17,368 (CHF 19,000). Ovarian Cancer has a less than 50% 5-year survival rate. Ovarian cancer is the deadliest of all female cancers. By donating you’ll be providing support to thousands of people with ovarian cancer.
Note from the editor

If you have ovaries, you could have ovarian cancer (“OC”) right now — you have a 1 in 78 chance of getting it in your lifetime, and an 80% chance of it being discovered at stage 3 or 4. And it’s not just older women: About a third of women who get OC are younger than 55, and 1 in 10 are younger than 45, including teens and children. Until screening improves, there is only one thing that can be done: the early diagnosis of OC is dependent upon women reporting symptoms to their doctors and the doctors taking action to investigate these reports. If any of the following symptoms persist for two or more weeks, tell your doctor that think you could have ovarian cancer — it’s important to say the words “OVARIAN CANCER”: • Abdominal bloating • Quickly feeling full when eating • Discomfort in the pelvic area • Fatigue • Back pain • Changes in bowel habits (loose bowels or constipation) • A frequent need to urinate, problems voiding, or other urinary changes. Demand to be heard. Women need to feel confident to talk about what’s happening in their bodies, and doctors need to trust women’s experiences of their own bodies. Get a second opinion or change doctors if needed.

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Kristin Holter
Kristin lives in Zurich, Switzerland with her husband and two kids. She is turning this publication into a book - sign up to be alerted when it is available.