How If-When-Then thinking is the new lifehack for goal setting

Anna Andriishyna, AM at phase2
Published in
4 min readSep 1, 2018

How IF WHEN THEN thinking supports the leading behavioral sciences of goal setting. Here’s the story behind it.

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” — Lao-Tzu

There’s a simple Lifehack strategy to reach your goals, progress faster and further. And, this strategy is fundamental to our company’s philosophy.

How to start goal setting, follow your passion in a world full of distractions, and master new skills?

The answer is strategic thinking.

Peter M. Gollwitzer, a professor of psychology at the New York University, has done one of the most amazing psychological research studies on goal setting.

It turns out, people who set goals by using “if-when-then” strategic thinking are 2 to 3x more likely to reach them compared to those who don’t.

Lifehacking— Unlocking Your Potential

This is because If When Then planning requires you to set your intentions on the implementation of the goal.

So you have to decide when, where and how to reach your goal. In other words, it requires contextual thinking.

Suppose you decided to learn Design skills. Having Design skills could help you get a promotion or even a new job. Using if-when-then’s strategic thinking, you need consider your level and situation.

Then — you need to examine your options?

Strategic thinking ensures that you focus on finding the right challenge. It activates many psychological processes to structure your thoughts to be more goal-driven. You start thinking in shorter and more reachable goals.

If I want to learn Design

When — I need an Introductory course

Then — what are my options

and, finally.

How — by using situational filters you then identify the best options for yourself [such as location, time and classroom size etc..]

Once you reach one goal. Time for a next one! It’s CRAZY how simple this Lifehack can be!!

But it’s not that simple. Technology is changing too rapidly and people don’t know where/how to find the right digital skills. In a recent survey, 66% of higher education students think they’re learning the wrong skills.

Not long ago, earning a formal university degree was good enough to make a mark on the world. But that’s changed. It used to be a simple formula, IF I want a job, WHEN I don’t have employable skills THEN just go to University.

THEN, the University and College programs are the ones who decide the when, where and how you reach your learning’s goals. The traditional model of education is a factory and it is no longer working in creative and tech sectors.

As a result, since 2011 there has been a 13% decline in students attending University and College. Students are looking for new pathways to skills development in our evolving job marketplace.

Enter Non-Formal Education

Not surprisingly, there are many in the world trying to address the need and new training programs outside formal education have been working to solve this problem.

While no global statistics are kept on non-formal education programs, there are now smaller training programs emerging globally.

Non-formal education is a way to build the professional networks that you need to launch your career. Check us out at

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