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IfNotNow Torah
IfNotNow Torah
Divrei Torah from the #JewishResistance. IfNotNow is a Jewish movement to end the American Jewish community’s support for the occupation, and achieve freedom and dignity for all.
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Sh’lach L’cha: The Scouts Weren’t “Pro-Israel”

Josh Hoffman is with IfNotNow Philly.

This week’s parashah should feel familiar to contemporary readers, particularly in the US and Israel/Palestine, as it features authority figures disparaging reporters for speaking…

Yitro: A Playbook for Activism

Benjamin Koatz is with IfNotNow Bay Area.

When I think of déjà vu, I usually think of that one scene in the Matrix with the black cat, and Keanu Reeves making faces, waffling between confusion and surprise, giving acting his very best shot.

B’shalah: Be like Nachshon

Kelly Kossar is with IfNotNow Boston.

Jewish tradition describes several miracles, many of which are found in Prophets. Some of these include; Elijah who performed miracles like the raising of a widow’s dead son, Elisha who multiplied the poor widow’s jar…