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Palestine And Israel

IfNotNow Torah
IfNotNow Torah
Divrei Torah from the #JewishResistance. IfNotNow is a Jewish movement to end the American Jewish community’s support for the occupation, and achieve freedom and dignity for all.
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Sh’lach L’cha: The Scouts Weren’t “Pro-Israel”

Josh Hoffman is with IfNotNow Philly.

This week’s parashah should feel familiar to contemporary readers, particularly in the US and Israel/Palestine, as it features authority figures disparaging reporters for speaking…

Vayikra: Sacrifice, Closeness, and Confrontation

Rachel Roberts is with IfNotNow DC.

In Parashat Vayirka, we begin the Book of Leviticus, the third book in the Torah, which details the laws pertaining to Israelite priests and which instructs the Israelites in holiness…