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IfNotNow Torah
IfNotNow Torah
Divrei Torah from the #JewishResistance. IfNotNow is a Jewish movement to end the American Jewish community’s support for the occupation, and achieve freedom and dignity for all.
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Parashat Vayera: What does it mean to be present

Jen is with IfNotNow Philly.

While there is a lot — a lot — to discuss in parshat Vayeira, the two pieces I want to focus on are the stories of S’dom and Amorah (Sodom and Gomorrah) and akedat Yitzhak (the binding of…

Ki Tetzei: Shooing away cruelty

Rebecca is with IfNotNow Boston.

In this week’s Torah portion, Ki Tetzei, Moses continues to recount laws to the Israelites. We hear 74 of the Torah’s 613 commandments. Some feel practical: “When you build a new house, you shall make a guard rail…

Balak: May my fate be like theirs!

Jacob is with IfNotNow NYC.

The last time I read parashat Balak was in 2002, for my Bar Mitzvah. I don’t really remember what I said in the speech I gave to my Conservative congregation in Trenton, NJ, except for one big detail- I suggested…

Sh’lach L’cha: The Scouts Weren’t “Pro-Israel”

Josh Hoffman is with IfNotNow Philly.

This week’s parashah should feel familiar to contemporary readers, particularly in the US and Israel/Palestine, as it features authority figures disparaging reporters for speaking…

Va’eira: Let my people go!

Jacob Friedman is with IfNotNow NYC.

This week’s Torah parsha is Va’eira, or “I appeared”, the first words that God speaks in the parsha. Va’eira begins that most memorable part of the Pesach Seder, the plagues. By the time the parsha ends, Pharaoh and the…

Sh’mot: The Women’s March and the Burning Bush

Jacob Friedman is with IfNotNow NYC.

The Torah calendar radically rejects the temporality of the market in favor of something much more powerful- a story that connects us to our ancestors, and a parasha (portion) that we…