New Feature announcement: Gaming Events!

Jerome Richer
Published in
2 min readJul 3, 2023

If you head over to the homepage you will be greeted by a new unfamiliar sight. First of all our brand new game shelf has made its way there, as hinted previously in our countdown page announcement. Secondly, they also now contain events!

A brand new game shelf design, featuring events.

As a living database continuously tracking the industry, we of course cover all events (regardless of size, or region). We pride ourselves on having all new game announcements live within a matter of minutes. Timing is critical for us since so many of our users rely on our data to build amazing products.

That is to say you can now expect every event to be featured on IGDB from now on, as a showcase of our dedication to the industry. These event pages are a convenient way to recap all announcements. Handy when they’re not in your timezones!

  • Rewatch the entire stream from the page
  • Scroll through all the games featured, and make use of our list feature to quickly add them to you backlog (tag your platforms too!)
  • Each game features their individual announcement trailer.
  • And finally, you can tell at a quick glance whether a game was a brand new announcement with the ‘World Premiere’ tag.
Did you catch up on the recent Sonic announcements?

Are they just temporary pages then?

Not at all! While events tend to live surrounding their hype, we’re also very interested in historical events. Slowly but surely we will then backfill gaming industry events as far back as possible in order to have a precise chronological timeline of the industry. Talk about a trip down nostalgia lane 😀

We’re planning a second round of feature improvement that will include an event discovery page, amongst some other goodies. Stay tuned ;)

A brand new Blade Runner game premiere during Annapurna Interactive showcase.

What about the API?

Yes, events will be added to the API :) This will come at a later date once we’ve gone through recent event backfill. In particular we will want to target the next season of events so you can have this data fresh in time as they happen.

Meanwhile here’s a few of the recent highlights already!

