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Illegally Blonde
Illegally Blonde is inspired by the movie Legally Blonde, where Elle Woods defies what people think of her and pursues a law degree. As for Illegally Blonde, Taylor Nettle pursues her broadcasting degree reporting her college experiences and events happening around her.
Note from the editor

Illegally Blonde is inspired by the movie Legally Blonde, where Elle Woods defies what people think of her and pursues a law degree. As for Illegally Blonde, Taylor Nettle pursues her broadcasting degree reporting her college experiences and events happening around her.

Go to the profile of Taylor Nettle
Taylor Nettle
A struggling college student, with some mediocre ideas and views that her professor helps her express in a not-so mediocre manner.
Go to the profile of Taylor Nettle
Taylor Nettle
A struggling college student, with some mediocre ideas and views that her professor helps her express in a not-so mediocre manner.