Here’s How I Experience Noticeable Serendipity on Medium Daily.
What’s going on? Maybe Karma is real. My reflections from observations and interactions on this platform.
What If Serendipity Knocks on Your Door Every Day
Serendipity might sound like a new age thought to skeptics, but it is far from it. Many scientists, inventors, artists, and other professionals have used it for centuries. Serendipity is also related to the concept of karma.
Many people believe in these concepts, but some don’t due to a lack of empirical evidence on the outcomes of these concepts. Of course, it is tough to produce empirical evidence through limited scientific methods for anything beyond logic and intellect as they are not measurable.
However, if we only operate with intellect, we miss great opportunities in life. For example, I only achieved around 20% of my outcomes through intellect and did the 80% with other cognitive abilities like cognitive intuition and bodily sensations like instincts.
I explained the attached story.