
Two Little Girls Chapter 1

Karen Madej
3 min readAug 18, 2019


Selfishness; indulge or smother?

Insidious; what a woman can become after half a lifetime of failure to find what she craves.

Rage happens when a man does not care for, consider, or adore his woman.

In Sarah’s wasted years she idolized her father, gave a generous portion of herself to her husband, and another good chunk to the man she loved for the longest. Many years before she loved herself, she rented out her home, gave up her country, and her power to the one she expected to turn wrinkly with on their adopted island in the Atlantic.

After the third disappointment in love, she chose cakes and bread to appease her energetic libido. This consolation lasted two years until irritated by spare tires and a Belgian businessman who displeasured her with his browbeaten confidence and the second smallest appendage someone had ever tickled her with, she raised her standards.

Two years had passed when she found herself in the thrall of her baser instincts. This forty-seven-year-old woman surrendered to her seduction by a younger man. His Viking’s mane of flaxen hair, and the way he leaned into her when they spoke, raised her arm hairs like daisies to the sunlight. Not to mention a quiver in places that had received no attention since the deficient Belgian.

Unfortunately, while she waited three hours for her seducer to arrive, she had soused her nerves and her senses with a bottle of red. And after he strolled in with an uninvited mate, she indulged further with rum and Cokes. To this extraordinarily well-endowed siren, she lost her dignity.

Armed with a small profit from the sale of her flat in Essex, she fled, alone, to Buenos Aires. She stayed for three months until her dollars diminished and she could no longer fork out six hundred per month for a room bereft of sunlight, but with a fridge that rattled like her stepmother’s ultimate breaths.

As luck would have it, her birth mother emailed to announce her imminent hip operation; could Sarah walk the dogs for her? Sarah could indeed, but with a detour. She booked her return flight to Stansted, and several buses to get to her sister, Shaz, in Norfolk.

They shopped in Oxfam, The Red Cross, and The British Heart Foundation and supped caramel lattes (for Shaz) and Americanos (for Sarah) in Costa Coffee and strolled along Hunstanton Beach.

The sisters fell out over Ed Sheeran, whom Sarah had never heard of, and took umbrage at the perceived belittlement by her younger sister, who informed her that just about everyone in the world had heard of him.

The time came to get on the bus, then the train, negotiate London, stop off at Primark in Birmingham, which was quite the experience with a seventy-liter backpack, a wheelie bag, and a rucksack worn on her front. Another bus and another train and the eldest daughter of Frances arrived in Newtown, Wales, where mother and car waited.

Frances did not get out, so Sarah went to the driver’s window to greet her. “Hello, Mum,” she leaned in to kiss both cheeks.

“Hello, Sarah, sorry I won’t get out, can you manage your bags? The boot’s open.”

“Thanks.” Sarah heaved open the boot, divested herself of all her physical baggage, and slammed the boot shut.

Two Little Girls and Other Life Moments Kindle Edition by Karen Madej

© 2018 Karen Madej. All rights reserved.

Table of Contents

Sarah Two Little Girls Chapter 1

Miles Two Little Girls Chapter 2

Frances Two Little Girls Chapter 3

Enter the Au Pair Two Little Girls Chapter 4

Barbara for Teresa Two Little Girls Chapter 5

Getting Lost in Abingdon Two Little Girls Chapter 6

Moving to Marlborough Road Two Little Girls Chapter 7

Groped in the Park Two Little Girls Chapter 8

14-Year-Old Sarah Learns to Inhale Like Holly Golightly Two Little Girls Chapter 9

No Escaping the Nose Two Little Girls Chapter 10

