Peaceful Quiet Lives

Forbidden lovers fall foul of laws in both nations born from the ashes of the Second American Civil War — Part 1, Chapter 3

Simon Dillon
16 min readMar 26, 2021


Continued from Part I: Chapter Two

Credit: Denisa Trenkle

Part I: Chapter Three

I stare at the images attached to Doug’s email. My first thought is to wonder whether they have actually been faked. Matthew Ingram always seemed like a family man to me, happily married and very unlikely to visit prostitutes. Then again, who knows what really goes on inside another person’s head? For all I know, he could have been a tight coil of sexual frustration.

On the other hand, Matthew was worried about where reporting Christy’s alleged financial irregularity may lead him. Why had he consulted me prior to pointing out the embezzlement? Surely if he had orchestrated the fraud in order to frame Christy, he would have done so without telling me first. Moreover, if the visit to prostitutes had been genuine, surely the last thing he would have done would be risk exposure by trying to prove financial irregularity from a person he knew to have dirt on him.

I peer at the photographs, trying to see if they were fakes. Images show Matthew in an alleyway, exchanging money with a woman, entering a flat, and then a…



Simon Dillon

Novelist and Short Story-ist. Film and Book Lover. If you cut me, I bleed celluloid and paper pulp. Blog: