Peaceful Quiet Lives

Forbidden lovers fall foul of laws in both nations born from the ashes of the Second American Civil War — Part 1, Chapter 4

Simon Dillon


Continued from Part I: Chapter Three

Credit: Denisa Trenkle

Part I: Chapter Four

We stare at one another. The same hypnotic gaze that captivated me when our eyes met across the playground roots me to the spot.

‘Who are you?’ she asks.

‘Sam Wright,’ I say, offering her a hand to shake. ‘And you are?’

The woman shakes her head. ‘Not until I’m sure I can trust you. I’m going to have you checked out, Sam Wright. Be here, at nine tomorrow night. If you check out, I’ll be waiting. Until then, go home. Don’t talk to anyone else about this. Don’t look for me, and don’t follow me.’

She walks away. I watch her disappear into the darkness. My heart races. She both frightens and thrills me. What does she have to do with Marcy, and why is she here?

I head home, astonished at having met the dark-haired teacher, but frustrated that I don’t know her name, or anything about her.

I toss and turn in bed that night, finding it impossible to sleep. I can’t get her out of my head. Why did she make contact with…



Simon Dillon

Novelist and Short Story-ist. Film and Book Lover. If you cut me, I bleed celluloid and paper pulp. Blog: