How Living in Village Can Change Your Life

The real beauty and lot of life lessons are learned by living in villages

Maryam Merchant


Photo by Tony Sebastian on Unsplash

I was born and brought up in a small village but I moved to the city for my education. It’s been 10 years since I have been away from home.

Recently, as a pandemic hit. I cam back home and started living with my parents. In these 6 months, living in a village and in the womb of parents was a blessing for me.

The day I left home, I know I would come back home only in my vacations but this pandemic gave me the chance to come back and rejoice all those beauties of my small village. The flashback of all those memories started teaching me many life lessons.

Blessed to live with my parents again

I often visit my parents and sometimes they come to the city to visit me. But living with them for so long is a great blessing.

Being at home, I have learned many things from my parents. We all know parents care for us and whenever we do something wrong they are always there to point out our mistakes. They make us realize our fault.

When I was living in a city, nobody cared for my mistakes. I know living with parents is a shameful act in some cultures but I feel blessed to live with them…



Maryam Merchant

Data Scientist | Love to write | Family First | Lot to learn from life | Taking one step at a time