Personal Data Protection in the Human Resource Department

PDPA Compliance by HR Professionals

Dr Michael Heng


Modified by Author from illustration in

The Singapore Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (PDPA) lays out a framework regarding personal data protection for private organisations. It recognises the individual rights to protect and prevent their personal data from misuse by governing the collection, usage, disclosure and protection of personal data. With the vast amount of personal data that organisations possess and collect daily, it is important that organisations comply with the PDPA.

There are 10 obligations imposed by the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (PDPA) that has to be adhered to by organisations:

Illustration by PDPC

The Human Resource (HR) Department typically collects, uses and shares the most personal data in a company from various HR functions like Recruitment, Selection, Pay and Benefits, Training and Development, Employee Engagement, Workplace Safety and Health, and other personal information.

The following PDPA Policies are indicative guide to HR professionals in the HR Department and can be used for their PDPA compliance training in the protection of personal data in Singapore.



Dr Michael Heng

Top 50 Global Thought Leader and Influencer on CSR, Explorer, Enabler. Top Writer in Poetry. Drives ventures and enterprises. ILLUMINATION Editor and Writer.