Prediction AI Is Coming. Are You (and the World) Ready?

How much do you want to know about your future? It may depend on who wants to know your past.

Wayne Stelk, PhD
11 min readApr 7, 2024


Anneka for Shutterstock

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Who among us doesn’t ponder the future? How often do you think about your life unfolding over short and long timeframes? Do you wonder about your future health and lifespan, your children’s success, or the outcome of working hard at your job? These deeply personal questions reflect our innate curiosity about what lies ahead.

Prediction is the cornerstone of human existence. A coherent life means anticipating what comes next. You cannot plan for the future unless you can “guestimate” the next steps in an unfolding sequence of your life’s events.

Because prediction is central to your moment-to-moment existence, you may not know that you have a thirst for knowing the future. Some worry about their futures more than others for reasons that are valid or simply obsessive. However, all of us are at least curious about what lies ahead, and therein lies a gigantic marketing opportunity for a new AI product.



Wayne Stelk, PhD

Systems thinker and psychologist exploring the good, bad, and ugly of human nature. Editor of Unpuzzling Human Nature, the science of personal growth.