Spicing Physics With Creativity Got Me a Wacky ( and Durable ) Solution for Procrastination

Newton lives rent-free in our hearts. It’s our brains that won’t budge.

Sanjeev Yadav
Curated Newsletters


Zoom in to find pi and Planck’s constant. Pictured: Me in the foreground. Credits: Kumar Atulya

My bachelor is in Engineering Physics from IIT Roorkee.

I almost managed to pass in the last semester while clearing two backlogs and getting several 4-pointer — the lowest passing grade out of 10 — in all courses except one. In the exception, I got a zany 5.

I was a bright student in school. However, my academics tanked when I entered college because of the tough competition. But the Physics lessons I learned in school still work whenever I’m in a creative slump.

Newton’s First Law of Motion

One of the applications of Newton’s Laws of Motion is in overcoming the universal force that works against Creativity: resistance.

Resistance is the superset of all the forces stopping you from showing up.

I haven’t read Steven Pressfield’s book War of Art. But I hope the book is more than just about the resistance that makes it worth reading!

Instead, here is Newton’s First Law of Motion to inspire you with Physics:

“Bodies in motion tend to stay in motion unless an external force is applied on them. The same is true for bodies at rest.”

Three steps to kill procrastination.

If you’re curious about the closest scientific equivalent of resistance, we Physicists call it inertia.

Inertia is the property to stay the way you are and not change without a strong driving factor.

If you read again, it sounds like the comfort zone!

So how do you leverage Newton’s First Law of Motion to quell resistance?

I’ll share what works for me. I’ve come up with this method while designing my sleep ritual to calm my mind after a hectic day since I started my first job two years ago.

#1. Make a sacred ritual that gears you in a creative mode.

It can be as simple as a mindful walk for 10 minutes in the Sun ( or the Moon ). The only constraint is zero digital distraction.

Cuddle mentally with nature. Appreciate the green pleasantry. Nature is an endless source of inspiration.

Nature shows:

Life goes on, even if we feel uninspired.

#2. Distraction tolerance siphons brainpower. Remove distractions altogether.

Wherever you go, your mind goes with you. So does the monkey mind, which is restless because of the information overload demanding your attention.

To exercise peak productivity, eliminate all distractions.

For example, if you’re writing, write with your phone in another room. Or put it on DND, shut down or burn it altogether.

Whatever floats your boat.

#3. Energy is your life’s currency.

We are not asteroids floating in space destined to crash with other celestial junk.

We’re humans. We must manage our energy.

Find your peak hour by understanding your sleep pattern to make your body-clock — the circadian rhythm — work for you.

Self-assess how your mood shifts throughout the day. Then, use the analysis to find when you’re the most creative and use your creativity to achieve exemplar feats.

Final words

Newton’s First Law of Motion is dead simple. You can apply it wherever you want. Not only creativity, in fitness too.

I’ve written two blogs today by nailing my writing inspiration ritual to get myself in the right mindset to start masturbating with words.

Create a ritual that primes your mind for action.

Instead of tolerating distractions, grind without distraction for ultra-concentration because you have the power of choice to focus your energy on one task for maximum efficiency.

And finally, understand your body clock to find when you’re most creative. For example, morning persons like me pump energy as soon as we sprung from the bed. So find when you gear up your creative muscles and smash the inertia of rest, aka resistance!

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Sanjeev is a writer, mentor and recovering shopaholic. He writes about emotional intelligence, productivity, relationships, and practical psychology for everyday life. When he is not busy with his muse, he is sweating either in a workout or playing badminton. He also chronicles his writing and fitness journey on Instagram.



Sanjeev Yadav
Curated Newsletters

Writer • Mentor • Recovering Shopaholic • IITR 2019 • ✍🏼 Personal Growth, Positive Psychology & Lifelong Learning• IG & Threads: sanjeevai