You Need to Do These 3 Things to be a Top Writer

It’s more than just trusting the process.

Tom Handy


Photo by RODNAE Productions on Pexels

I was sitting back today and had some free time on my hand. For me, this was not normal.

You see, for the past few months, I was trying to escape the writing world. Yes, I considered it since I wasn’t sure if I wanted to continue to write.

Part of me was chasing the money.

Yes, my writing does okay but my eyes were looking for more zeroes in my paycheck. So, I was researching other companies, doing face-to-face and virtual interviews, and spending a lot of my free time doing that.

But I finally realized none of those businesses would make me happy.

Let me let you in on a little secret.

Don’t tell anyone… But I’m lazy.

If I could sit back and have money trickle into my bank account like clockwork, then I’ll take it. So, I started to realize all of these businesses I was looking at would change my life 180 degrees.

My time would be limited, and I’d be working twice as much as I do now. I’d give up my 20-hour work week and become a 50-hour work-a-holic.

After a lot of thought, I finally decided those businesses weren’t for me. It wasn’t my idea how…



Tom Handy

I ghostwrite articles for FinTech executives. Seen in Morning Brew, Money magazine. Get my free email course