SCUM: Supermax Open-World Survival

Showcase your survival for cutting-edge TV entertainment!

Petr Sobotka
5 min readFeb 27, 2024


SCUM game, source: SCUM website.

Online multiplayer survival games with PvP elements have found considerable success.

Games like Rust, where you strive to build and defend your base while thwarting others’ efforts, or ARK: Survival Evolved, which adds dinosaurs into the mix, are widely known.

However, there are many other lesser-known gems in this genre, each offering its own unique twist on the survival experience.

Then there’s the ever-popular zombie survival genre, where you battle to survive the apocalypse and safeguard your gray matter from being munched on.

And let’s not forget about Battle Royale games, dropping you into the fray with nothing but your wits to scavenge what you need to survive the arena.

What ties all these genres together?

It’s the adrenaline coursing through your veins from start to finish.

Now, imagine experiencing all of this in one game.

Screenshot from SCUM game, source: SCUM website.

Allow me to introduce SCUM, where the best elements from all these games are expertly blended into a thrilling experience with the potential for hours upon hours of fun.

SCUM unfolds on a deserted island with the tranquil ambiance of a Mediterranean landscape.

Its authenticity is striking, reminiscent of my childhood trips to Croatia with my parents, at least in terms of the natural surroundings.

This authenticity isn’t coincidental; the developers hail from the very country that inspired the game’s setting, and I must say, bravo!

Even mundane activities like long hikes or bike rides in this environment feel exhilarating. It would be a perfect place to live if not for the local issues.

And by “local issues,” I mean you.

Screenshot from SCUM game, source: SCUM website.

According to the game’s lore, you’re a prisoner held in a supermax facility, selected to fight for your life.

You’re dropped onto this island with one goal: survival.

All for the entertainment of the “good citizens” who can watch your every move through hidden cameras, drones, and various other instruments.

Surviving on a sub-tropical paradise doesn’t sound too challenging, right?

Think again.

Unless you’re playing solo, you’ll encounter other prisoners vying to survive at any cost.

You’ll be robbed, your base plundered, or worse — your head sniped off when you least expect it.

But amidst the chaos, you can forge alliances and team up with others, turning survival into a collective effort.

Screenshot from SCUM game, source: SCUM website.

In addition to other players, you’ll contend with wild animals like wolves and bears.

These aren’t your run-of-the-mill foes; they’re formidable adversaries that pose a real threat.

While you can dispatch them with some creativity, an unexpected encounter in the heart of the forest might leave you fighting for your life.

And then there are the so-called puppets — essentially zombies, but not reanimated by some virus. Instead, they’re partially remote-controlled diseased individuals.

Easy to defeat in small numbers, but a nightmare to escape from in larger groups, especially in confined spaces like houses, garages, or underground structures.

As you progress through the game, you’ll stumble upon special locations like army camps and underground bunkers, inhabited by more agile and powerful puppets.

However, I won’t reveal too much, as there’s an even greater threat lurking within these bunkers. I’ll leave it to you to uncover during your gameplay experience.

To make things even more challenging, these ex-military zones are guarded by autonomous sentries — mech-style bipeds armed to the teeth.

Screenshot from SCUM game, source: SCUM website.

Taking one down requires ample explosives, though sneaking past them might be a safer bet. But heed this advice: if you hear they’ve detected you, run for your life.

So, now you understand the threats lurking around the island. But there’s one more enemy you’ll face — biological needs.

Your character will grow tired, hungry, thirsty, and will require relief in more ways than one.

It’s not enough to scavenge for a single source of sustenance; your body craves a balanced diet, just like any normal person’s. Mushrooms alone won’t sustain you for long.

Rest is also essential, and you’ll need to whip your character into shape before diving into the late-game challenges.

To do that, you’ll need a place to sleep, whether it’s a bed in one of the deserted houses or one you’ve built from scratch in your own base.

Base building in SCUM is a joy, though in singleplayer mode, it’s not yet a necessity since the puppets don’t wander into it. But in multiplayer, fortifying your defenses is crucial to ward off intruders.

Screenshot from SCUM game, source: SCUM website.

So, if you’re looking to immerse yourself in a breathtakingly realistic environment while testing your survival skills, I wholeheartedly recommend SCUM.

And if you have friends to join you, consider this recommendation multiplied by five, as the game truly shines in a group setting.

Gaming Obsession

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Petr Sobotka

Data Analyst and Basketball Coach, Dreamer and Writer, Fantasy and Crime books lover. Father and Loving Husband. Simply me.