How to Strengthen Your Emotional IQ

Summary of video at YouTube channel: Tom Bilyeu


Photo by Sara Ben Aziza on Unsplash

Original Source

Psychologist Daniel Goleman Reveals How to Strengthen Your Emotional IQ | Conversations with Tom ( YouTube 1 hr 42 mins)


  • Theme: Being EQ (Emotional Intelligence) smart
  • EQ: being smart about emotions
    - Self Awareness (knowing feelings, cognitive control)
    - Self Management (put positives forth)
    - Empathy
    - Social skills, relationships
  • EQ more important than IQ for growth-success.
  • EQ is learn-able, so teach in school, better before age 20.
  • Any Meditation works, makes calmer, focuses attention.
  • Meditation shifts from Sympathetic (flight or fight, amygdala) to para-sympathetic (calm, pre-frontal cortex)
  • Social brain: links to brains of others. Invisible influence just by presence.
  • Emotional control: Have ability to take down anyone, but don’t do it.
  • Finding inner drive/purpose: by accident, self-awareness, evaluating choices
  • Successful entrepreneurs: growth mindset, visualization, get performance feedback, risk after homework, grit, help others (empathy)

The above summary was also posted in the Comments section of the original YouTube video.

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Yogesh Haribhau Kulkarni (PhD)
ILLUMINATION Videos and Podcasts

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