The Greatest Productivity Mantra

Jottings of a podcast hosted by Amit Varma and Ajay Shah



The Incredible Adventures of Abbé Faria: `Kaator Re Bhaaji`

  • Story Highlight: Abbé Faria, a child prodigy, faced a daunting task of delivering his first sermon before the Queen of Portugal and other dignitaries. Struck by stage fright, his father whispered in Konkani, “Puta, Hi sogli baji; Kattor re baji” (Son, they are all vegetables, cut the vegetables). This motivated Faria to do his job and preach effectively.
  • Embrace your role and execute it without overthinking. If you are a cook, cook; if you are a preacher, preach.
  • [My Additional Insight]: In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna advises Arjun, “मामनुस्मर युध्य च” (mam anusmara yudhya cha) — remember me and fight.]

Just Do It

  • Action Over Perfection: There is a trade-off between getting it done and getting it right. Lean towards action.
  • Vinay Sitapati advises, “Never let perfection be the enemy of production.”
  • Initial efforts may be subpar, but repetition leads to improvement.
  • Persist with consistent and prolific output, regardless of external validation.
  • When uncertain, take the leap. A bit of planning is beneficial, but action is paramount.

Don’t Do It. Just Be It

  • Identify and embrace the best version of yourself; good habits will naturally follow.
  • Others are not as focused on you as you might think, so don’t worry about potential embarrassment.

Don’t Be It. Just Do It

  • Verbs (actions) matter more than adjectives (descriptions).
  • Encourage children for their efforts rather than their innate abilities to foster better long-term outcomes.

Habits Are Everything

  • Habits are akin to the compound interest of self-improvement, according to James Clear.
  • Set manageable goals, like writing 200 words daily, to build a strong foundation over time.

All Roads Lead to Roam Research

  • Use Roam Research for effective note-taking while reading, organizing content hierarchically, and storing quotes.
  • Our brains are inherently messy; maintaining a second brain (note storage) helps retain and structure understanding.

What is Your Purpose?

  • Simple goals like passing exams or securing jobs are weak targets. Consider what comes after achieving them.
  • Reflect on your broader purpose and the reason for your existence, such as “figuring out the universe” [My Addition: being a “distiller” of knowledge]

By embracing these principles and insights, you can significantly enhance your productivity and personal development, moving towards a more purposeful and effective life.

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Yogesh Haribhau Kulkarni (PhD)
ILLUMINATION Videos and Podcasts

PhD in Geometric Modeling | Google Developer Expert (Machine Learning) | Top Writer 3x (Medium) | More at