10 Extra Things That Will Kill Your Social Media/Internet Brand

God'sgift Oghale Amos
Published in
11 min readJun 24, 2023

What the gurus don’t tell you about personal internet/social media branding.

Photo by Alexander Shatov on Unsplash


I know am not an expert on social media/internet branding. The word branding means different things to different people. To some, it means a name, to others it is a belief, and to many, it means more than the life they are trying to build. While to others they see it as mere names not forgetting the fact that there are still some who see it as an identity to find them, unique to them. That makes them feel special standing out among the crowd like a tall tree.

The internet was once believed to be a place for information. Nowadays, since the invention of social media and chatting tools it has become a place where people build unique names, connect with large communities of unknown-like minds, and still be at home without stepping an inch to the bedroom to get noticed. Unlike before when people only go to the net on a specific domain to search for specific information and not be able to add and delete wrong or right ones.

The internet had made ordinary people become extraordinary by just blogging or vlogging. Who might have never had the opportunity prior to this time? It had raised millionaires and billionaires from school dormitories, and bathrooms and even made baggers see life in another dimension as hope-filled them, for once in their lifetime.

Read also: Why Your Children Become Ungodly Because of A Single Trait You Possess

But one thing is certain about the internet that no one talks about. How do you use it? How do you get the most out of it? How do you get visibility? And many more aching questions newborns and professional keeps asking without any satisfaction with having a long-lasting blueprint. The internet is filled with many coaches with the right "do's and do not". Some claim they are better than others with quick fixes and patches and huge results even eyes couldn't believe in a short while. Listen am not writing this to dispute them all. Besides they are all right in their own claims and best practices. Come to think of it who is the best?

The internet/social media had become crowded as the second split. Becoming visible is harder than the next past seconds. With millions of write-ups to read and thousands of videos to watch. All are uploaded at every micro-seconds. Of course, you like me, starting up a niche or getting noticed can be hard and if not, lost forever. Be it consistency or whatever formula given to you by experienced experts won't help and can be so tiresome times when results don't seem to happen like magic.

As the days go standing out is becoming fierce and very competitive. Besides there are millions of people like you who would do better than you. But the joy of it all is once your brand is noticed and the value gotten is like no other. The sky is your universe, within your limit. That's the reason most established content creators keep earning forever....let me stop here!

If you are like me I only follow people whose content I enjoy more and see myself in. Whose content doesn't always talk about this and that but silently convinces me without knowing that I have been cut in the web. Which I call subtle persuasiveness....I enjoy many people's content on Medium, YouTube, LinkedIn, Websites, and others I won't call. To some, I personally promote their content to my audience telling them what they will gain after all. While to some who only care about money and followers all I do is scroll away. I follow people whose content you can't find anywhere on the net and in this world. Except on their website and their personal profiles and I acknowledged them by at least sharing them without any form of reciprocating.
I personally search about them on all social media to know more about them and if need be, put their profiles on my homepage to get updates whenever they post, because I know I must learn something new. As small as the write-up can be or in long form. Lastly, I don't care about their grammar so far as I keep enjoying it. Who cares? Maybe You!...let me stop...

Do You Really Want To Know What Kills Your Brand As A Beginner/Pro:

Let's go!

1)Same Thing, Same Content-Everywhere:

Rule one: 'Content is not the king, it is only useful and informative content that is the king!'. I repeat it again!

My number one is this. It seems your content is not different from John and Grace's. They all look the same. Your content is everywhere on the net. Common! Rampant! Remember this, in the internet world people get sucked up seeing things everywhere. When you produce what others produce it can be easier for others to get that same stuff elsewhere and even better. Make your content a little bit unique and one of a kind. Imagine you buying Apple phones or Tesla cars from any phone or car company. Why don't you ask yourself what makes them unique and different? Why their products can't be found just anywhere? Why do others keep coming to them instead of fighting them? Why their audience is so loyal...

Another thing you should get into your thick skull is you creating the same content. Always the same thing. Always ABC! Imagine you eating corn every day and watching the same movie or reading the same books for one full year. Perhaps, you may not get tired. I don't know about others. I soon back off. Create useful and informative content because the content is not king. It is useful and informative content that is the king!

2) Using/Stealing Other People's Content:

Remember YouTube frowns at reused content. Remember medium frowns at reusing or stealing other people's content in whatever form. Google too...

That's the reason I love Medium. Every day as I scroll through YouTube and so many millions of blogs/Websites I see all forms of content and thousands and if not millions all fall into reuse and stealing of people's content. If your like experience writers you need to learn what repurposing of content truly is. Simple!

As a brand, you should disease from it. Taking other people's content may only work for a while but not for eternity. And when your loyal followers like me notice it. We unplug our cords and become cordless from your plug. And that may bring a very bad review to your brand because no one likes working with someone who steals people content. You should know from the very day you start, that you only use contents permitted by only the owners. Make sure all your contents are fresh. Forget about perfect content and start with all you have.

Know this, people love unperfected things and content. People are drawn to creative content that is not perfect so far as it gives them all they want. If it truly gives them all they want. They are generally obligated to reward you.... because they benefit from it but not with someone else content. People generally feel sorry for those Brands that work with what they have...yes! And am unapologetic….

3) Getting Started With Negative Comments and Promoting Good Reviews About Your Brand That Say Otherwise:

Many people on Medium and other social media brands leave very good reviews about their Brands telling people what actually they are not. So many brands every year lose their relevance through that. Especially when people test their Brands of all they claim to be. Remember in everything, you need to know people are generally drawn to good things and get in patient with the word 'WAIT'. Don't test people's patience! In as much they would love to go for it... remember again if there is any other thing greater than free is fast and speed. Yes! Is really a human great weakness. Therefore, knowing this makes you care about the human mind knowing that longness and wideness are all equal.

Again as a personal brand don't you ever get noticed by people for dropping negative Comments, especially on a topic that you feel is not right or ok with you? If you feel the author or brand or whoever the person may be is not right on that subject area or matter, you kind drop informative content about it to educate others without bullying the other person's identity. No one likes to feel embarrassed in public not especially on the internet. Don't you know the Emperor loves his new looks and clothes? Doing this may boost others to know about you. Through that you may have created something unexpected that you never expected people would love, to know who you are better. Boom! Your start by skyrocketing... helping out matters but not with the intention to get noticed too. Too much of it sounds odd!

4) Spamming and In Boxing People Unnecessarily:

Personally, I hate it when people spam on my inbox without any good or meaningful information. I also think too, and so do others.

I get provoked by the slightest spam links. Stating blablahblah stuff in my inbox or Comments sections. Telling me to help them out or about a reward. To be truthful I once used to do it but I found out that not everyone really likes it. So many people like their lives to be private and as such you should respect that. Unless there is a specific email or contact to get through them.

Even if you want to cold inbox anyone make it quick and straight to the point...it does help.

From today refuse spamming and cold in boxing people unless is very important.

5) Content Value-Not Money.

Someone asked me why I started writing on Medium even if I don't get paid.

Firstly, I write in medium because I like to try my prowess in writing. You telling me you enjoyed my writings makes me fulfilled and that's all I need to hear.

Secondly, I just needed to tell the world what I feel is right and wrong no matter how wrong and right I may be. I write to impact, narrate, and challenge the status quo. Challenge and impact my readers to think in another dimension and be pragmatic. To crossbreed ideas no matter their religion. To sink and float a movement with beliefs only my readers intend to see.

Why do I say this?

Let your content as a creator be of value in one way to your readers. Know not all your content is for all your audience. Each content is for certain groups to benefit from and learn.

You should not write first about money and about money. So many readers here and outside are just really and truly tired of the new making-money schemes most medium writers emphasize every day. New ways of this and that. For me am just tired... bombarding people with coaches on this and that with quick results. It happens perhaps!

Therefore knowing your content and having control of it truly helps. This makes more readers come to you for help and advice because of the value you pass across to them.

5) Begging:

As a brand, you shouldn't ask anything From your audience unless you are mentoring or Coaching them. Begging from your audience only puts them off. Because at every post you make they just know you are there for begging or asking for KO-FI. These things should come willingly out of your audience. You don't have to remind them of it all the time. In other to prevent this you can have a VIP circle who are willing to subscribe to your rich knowledge source which only they can access individually.
This will make people interested who feel missing out, opt-in. Interesting!

6) Don't Do What Others Do:

No one will tell you this but as a brand don't do what others do.

Hear this: "Anything that becomes popular on the internet always seems to be outdated-period!"

Don't always follow what everyone does. What everyone wants to do. This is to prevent the social media rat-leg-mouth race run by several newbies/experts. You can prevent this by having a mentor to solidify your journey...did I say mentor so why should I now add mentor as another paragraph for you?

7) Don’t spend too much money on Ads. I say it with a gong:

It is not a crime and yes I know but don't do it as a brand. New one at that!

Many people believe in getting people's attention by promoting their Brands through paid ads. Advertising your own brand as a new content creator is good but at the beginning, you should only care about your own content and the value it gives out. So many mentors and experience experts give newbies about going through paid ads to reach a large unparalleled audience but for me, it isn't the right move. Focus and allow your audience to do the promotion and after you can do paid ads. One thing you should know as a starter is you don't really know your audience so breaking the bank who not give you the audience you're looking for because so many of us don't even know what we truly believe and want. Only your contents spell it out. There are so many stories about people who followed this way and ended badly. Only one out of ten lives to tell the story. So why do it?

9) Writing In Short Forms or Using Slang Languages for your Content:

In as much as you are on social media, you will be tempted to use social media vagabonds. One thing you need to know is whenever you upload fresh content on the net. You are not the only person to read it. Your content is capable to go viral or reach a large amount of audience. You don't even know who's going to read through it and having too many informal words, slang, and dialect should be reduced unless your contents or the niche your expert sings on are strictly on that. Am not saying is bad or good, all am saying is that your content should be widely understood by anyone who understands it even if it is written in a certain Language. So when a new audience comes in contact with it they can easily translate them to English or whatever language they so prefer without distorting the actual meaning and information. Since we have so many apps that do language translation.

Remember, gone are those days when social media are only for meeting friends and chatting up. That eventually breeds write-up slang. You don't know who will read your content someday to give you the job you had been waiting for. Social media is now filled with a community of experts and professionals from all backgrounds and works of life hunting for the next big germ to disrupt how people behave and see life. Guess what you may be the one. Trust me!

8){You can add yours Here}: {Write Here}


These are the killers of social media and internet branding. That no one really talks about....as a brand knowing these Secret gems keeps you to have a long-lasting brand for ages! There are more but for me, this is what I can still remember as I write this morning before walking down my school road...and job!

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God'sgift Oghale Amos

I am a simple "Parent Expert Doctor"...to me is all about Parenting+Family+Life+Tech+Children+Philosophy+Entrepreneur(ship)....+God!