10 Passive Income Ideas for Beginners With Little or no Money (2023)

Unique Passive income ideas that helped me to pay my rent.

Ronit Singh
3 min readDec 14, 2022


Photo by Ibrahim Boran on Unsplash

Most people who have a 9-to-5 job want an additional source of income to meet their financial needs. Passive income can be a great way to help you generate some extra cash, whether you have a part-time job or are just trying to make a little extra money each month.

1. Transcribe audio and video to text for people.

Transcribing is a great way to make money online. It’s easy to get started, and several different companies will pay you for your work as well.

It is not as hard as it sounds: all you have to do is listen to audio or video files and type out what they say into a text file (or Word document). The only skills required are being able to hear well and typing correctly.

2. Build an online community around a specific topic or field of interest.

This can be as simple as creating a website or blog, writing about your passion, and then finding a niche in which you can offer advice and information to other people who are interested in what you have to say. Once you’ve found a topic that interests both yourself and others (and is something likely profitable), create an online presence for it on social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter.

Then sell products related to the topic — either directly from your website itself or through partnerships with companies who produce similar products but at lower costs than those offered by manufacturers themselves;

Offer consulting services specifically towards helping others understand how they could apply these concepts within their own lives/businesses using specific examples.

3. Sell Stock Photos.

Selling photos online might not be the best way to start a passive business, but it could allow you to scale your efforts. If you love photography, you can submit your photos to stock photo websites and earn a commission every time someone buys them.

4. Sell Printables on Etsy.

Etsy is a great place to sell printables, You can sell printable artworks, checklists, and party games to generate passive income.

5. Create an Instagram Page.

Instagram has nearly 2 billion users around the globe, and the number is growing at a steady rate. You can make hundreds or even thousands of dollars from Instagram. Here you can know-how!


6. Sell courses on Udemy.

Udemy is a marketplace for digital courses. It allows users to create their own courses and sell them on their platform, so there’s no barrier to entry. You don’t need any special skills or coding knowledge — you need an idea!

7. Buy and Sell Domains.

Domain flipping has the potential to make you a full-time income while working part-time. Some people might think that Domain flipping is dead nowadays, but from my perspective, no it’s not. All that matters is to find a great domain with a popular TLD. As if that wasn’t enough, you can start for less than $10.

8. Design Websites.

If you are a tech geek like me who loves designing websites and wants to make money from it whether part-time or full-time. You can work for a Design Agency. The most exciting part is you don’t have to be a pro to design websites.

9. Give unused spaces for rent.

If you own two houses or an extra parking lot, you can rent the vacant one and earn money. Your rental income can be significant if you own a property in a prime location with good infrastructure and connections.

10. Sell Digital Products

Digital products are media assets that can’t be physically touched. They usually contain downloadable files such as PDFs, ebooks, Templates, or Software. They are highly profitable because they require no inventory and have a high-profit margin.


There are lots of ways to make money online and some require more upfront investment than others. However, you don’t have to spend all your time looking for something that will work for you because there are plenty of ideas out there. Be Confident and stay focused on your Goals.

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Ronit Singh

I am a professional technophile, Blogger & Digital Marketing Expert.