$19,000 For a Single Medium Story In 2022

Just imagine…



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Medium is a magical place like few others on the internet. It still is in 2022.

There’s a chance that you write a piece of content, a string of a few hundred words, and in time it turns into a load of money.

$19,000 for a 6-min read

This has happened to one lucky Medium writer very recently.

In fact, the single story that earned him more than $19,000 to date — yes, that is indeed a 19 with three zeros — isn’t even half a year old. It dates back to October 2021. This is the story:

What sets in apart

As you can tell, the title is a large part what makes it popular. It’s interesting, it makes you want to know more, doesn’t it?

I would also point to the subtitle as a factor for its success. It engages by involving “you”.

Most importantly, it’s an extremely well-written post about a true story surrounding the richest man on planet earth.




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