3 Age-Reversing Habits That Can Make Your Brain Younger

How I made my brain younger based on scientific research.

Sufyan Maan, M.Eng


Age-reversing habits
Photo by meo from Pexels

Many elements affect how our brains get old as we age. We cannot prevent all the elements but some of them are under our control. We can develop healthy habits to boost our mental and physical health in the long haul. By developing these habits, we can slow down the aging process or reverse cognitive damage.

Many factors affect how our brain ages. The good news is that some of them are under our control. We can keep our brains young and slow down the cognitive decline by following a few healthy habits in the long haul.

Study shows that it’s possible to reverse the damage, but we must work hard to build sustainable habits. Dr. brian Pennie was a heroin addict for 15 years.

To prove his theory that brain damage is reversible, Dr. Pennie scanned his brain in 2013 as part of the research project, then checked again after five years in 2018.

The new image showed improvement in the scanning process. For details, you can read Prof. Pennie’s findings.

Another study was conducted at Harvard Medical School, showing that age-related cognitive decline can be improved by building good habits.



Sufyan Maan, M.Eng

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