3 Powerful Mindset Shifts for Effortless Content Creation

Reframe your limiting beliefs and let amazing content flow out of you

Nadia Tidona
3 min readJun 27, 2023


Photo by Danilo Rios on Unsplash

Have you noticed how two people can do the same things in the same order, and get different results?
This happens because the outcome is not only a matter of effort, strategy, or time spent on the task.

Or else you’d just need to read one of the hundreds of great books on how to get rich, to get rich. Right?

It’s also, and most importantly, a matter of energy. ​
How you show up, your intentions, and your state of mind contribute to determining the outcome of your actions.

So what can you do to put yourself in the perfect mindset to create engaging content that resonates, attracts your ideal audience, and speaks to their heart?

Well, start with these three mindset shifts.

1/ What you know right now is enough

Life is a journey in which we never stop learning.
So, in a way, there’s always more that we need to know.

But there’s a time for consuming and a time for creating.

When you sit down to create your content plan for the week, start where you are.
Trust that what you know is enough to create something valuable, and separate the time for creation and the time for acquiring new knowledge.

Whenever you consume (mindfully) you plant seeds of ideas in your consciousness.
The fertile soil of your brilliant mind takes all these bits of information that you got from reading, listening to podcasts, and watching videos and mixes them with your unique experiences and perspective.
If you let them sit for a while, they’ll blossom into something that only you can come up with.

This is how your best ideas come to life.
And this is the foundation of intuitive content creation that speaks to the heart of your readers and attracts your dream audience.

When you sit down to create content, allow yourself to dig into the gold mine of ideas that already lives within you.

Just stop thinking and start creating.

2/ You have nothing to prove

Stop trying to look smart and savvy.
Stop trying to sound like an expert.

Simplify your message.
Big words can scare people and limit the audience who will resonate with your message.

People want to connect with real people so don’t be afraid to show the real you.
Imagine you are having a laid-back conversation with a friend, and create from that place.

As read on my toddler’s t-shirt:
Be yourself (which means “amazing”)​

3/ It’s not about you

“No one will read this.”
“No one cares.”
“I’m talking to the void.”

That’s the kind of self-talk you need to get rid of.

As Tim Denning suggests:

Think of it like this: you are the leader of a tribe who has been elected by the community to represent their views around a certain niche.

Who is your community? What is the topic they elected you to talk about?
Attract your people by giving value without expecting anything in return.
Make it about them, not you.

Forget about your imposter syndrome, your fear of rejection, or your worry about looking like a fool.
There are people counting on you to share your message with the world. They trust you and look up to you, don’t let them down.

It’s not about you. It’s about your people.

Content creation is easy, if we let it be.
What makes it difficult are our limiting beliefs about ourselves and the world around us.
​Get rid of them, reframe them, and let your creativity flow effortlessly.

Let your content emerge from a place of calm and trust.

  • Follow your intuition (try my three-step process if you haven’t already)
  • Stop trying to prove something
  • Put your knowledge at the service of your people.

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Nadia Tidona

Happiness Coach for parents. I help parents find joy, connection, and fulfilment with emotional regulation, effective communication, & stress management