4 Months on Medium: A Review

Violet Daniels
Published in
6 min readDec 4, 2020


66 stories, 650 followers, 17 publications and $1133 later, what do I think of the platform?

Photo by Thomas Lefebvre on Unsplash

Yes, I am writing another story about Medium earnings and my thoughts on the platform as a writer.

Despite the sheer abundance of them around, I still think they are essential. Reading them helped me to find my feet here as a writer, and I think they provide important transparency for those thinking about joining the platform. I have spent four solid months on Medium, working on my writing, building my audience and experimenting with topic ideas.

It’s been a bumpy ride full of surprises. Back in August, I would never have predicted that I would be in this position or even still writing on the platform. But what can I say, I took the plunge and never looked back.
Here is an overview of my four months on Medium — including my earnings and what I think of the platform as a new writer.

Thing’s I’ve Learnt

Getting into ‘Big’ Publications Doesn’t Equate to More Success

November was an excellent month for me — as I was accepted into two dream publications — The Writing Cooperative, and The Post-Graduate Survival Guide. I had been trying to get into these since I started writing on Medium, and was pretty…



Violet Daniels

Full time content writer navigating the world one word at a time | Top writer in books & reading | Aspiring novelist | 📚 https://www.violet-daniels.com/