5 Skills I Learned From Drawing

And how they can improve your writing.

Ashley Nicole


Photo by GoaShape on Unsplash

As an animation student, part of my core education was intense training in drawing. Drawing isn’t just for art students- it can often be used in military training because of the valuable skills that you develop in other areas that are transferable.

Similar to my experiences in marching band, I learned a lot of different skills from my drawing education that I use today, such as patience, observation, Revision, non-perfectionism, and criticism.


Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

From drawing, I learned how to be patient. Before I started my journey in animation, I could not draw well. I realized that it was a required foundational skill, so I started taking drawing classes in high school. I needed to build my portfolio to get into art school.



Ashley Nicole

Lover of puns. I make films, games, & other fun stuff. Check out my art, writing, and more: linktr.ee/aloop