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7 Highly Effective Ways to Solve Feeling Stuck in Life

Confession: at several points in my 20s, I felt stuck.

Tim J. Schröder
Published in
5 min readJan 16, 2024


Although things went well before, I hit a wall. It was frustrating feeling robbed of any motivation, and insecure about what’ll happen next. Yet, I always made it out, achieving the next level and building a career I love. You can, too.

How? Here are 7 highly effective ways to solve feeling stuck in life.

#1: Fostering a growth mindset

It all starts in your head.

We all know that. Yet, we often neglect it.

Here’s a powerful truth: no matter how much you suck right now, you can change.

It doesn’t even matter if you don’t like yourself as a person.

When my second GF broke up with me, I was grounded.

Not only because the relationship was over, but also because I realized how much of a stubborn, narrow-minded, and uncomfortable person I had become. It was no fun to be around me.

After reading “I’m OK — You’re OK” by Thomas A. Harris, I realized I could change. I started working on myself, becoming more tolerant, open, and empathetic along the way.



Tim J. Schröder

Lifelong learner | Earned $200,000 ghostwriting | On my quest to discover and share what it takes to become a successful online writer |