7 Self-Improvement Tips For Those Who Just Don’t Have Time

‍Self-improvement is the indispensable need of the time

Rida Shoukat
5 min readDec 23, 2022



Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day, right? With so many responsibilities and commitments, losing sight of our personal goals can be easy. Unfortunately, for some people, that’s exactly what happens.

They have a hectic schedule with limited time and energy to devote to their own personal growth. As a result, they stop taking action toward their goals and end up losing sight of themselves. Sound like you?

Don’t stress — it’s perfectly normal to feel this way at times. Fortunately, there are plenty of self-improvement tips that anyone can incorporate into their everyday lives, even if they don’t necessarily have time for them.

Take action toward your goal:


Having a goal isn’t enough in itself. The goal must lead somewhere, and you must take action toward it. This can be as simple as setting a goal for when you go to the gym or as critical as changing your perspective to stop blaming others for your setbacks.

When people have a goal in mind, they tend to forget that achieving it is entirely up to them. As a result, they stop taking action when something goes wrong.

It’s important to have a goal but even more important to take action towards it. The two go hand in hand and are linked like the branches of a tree entwined. If one of them is removed, the other will feel weak.

Times will change you for the better when you change.

-Maxwell Maltz

Stop comparing yourself to others:


When it comes to self-improvement, you’ll often hear the phrase, “what you see is what you get.” This is especially important when it comes to comparing yourself to others. Looking at what others are doing or how they’re doing it is incredibly helpful and often leads to great outcomes.

However, it’s important to stay focused on what you’re doing. Keep your eyes on the prize, and don’t let comparisons distract you from your own path. Comparison is just one of the many dangers of self-improvement.

The other dangers include complacency, overthinking, and unhealthy habits. Misuse of comparison is one of the dangers of self-improvement. When you look at others and compare yourself to them, you’re bound to get distracted from your own path.

Overthinking is another danger. When you overthink about self-improvement and about what you’re doing, you’re likely to get distracted from your path. Two common examples are asking yourself silly questions or getting caught up in silly arguments.

There’s always room for improvement.

-Joey Logano

Set a date and time for self-improvement:


One of the best ways to stay motivated toward self-improvement is to set a date and time to do it. This is especially important when you have a goal that’s hard to find time for.

For example, if your goal is to read more, it’s not going to be easy to find time to read when you’re constantly running around. Setting an end date and time for self-improvement can help you focus on the task and make it a priority.

You don’t have to go crazy setting a date and time for self-improvement. You can choose a date that’s close to now and a time that’s close to now. For example, you could set a date in a couple of weeks and a time in the evening when you’ve nothing else to do. This simple date and time can help you stay focused on your goal.

Learn how to meditate:


Meditation is a technique in which you focus your thoughts and emotions on one object (such as the breath) or one thought (such as gratitude). When you learn to meditate, you’ll learn to quickly shift your focus from one thing to another.

This is an excellent skill for when you want to quickly shift your focus from one thing to another (e.g. your goal). Meditation is a great way to improve your mental health and boost your happiness levels. It can also help you to stay focused on your goals and on what you want in life.

When you learn how to meditate, you’ll learn to quickly shift your focus from one thing to another. This is a helpful skill for when you want to shift your focus from one thing to another quickly.

Don’t compare yourself to others. Compare yourself to the person from yesterday.


Commit to your values:


One of the most important things you can do to improve your life is to commit to your values. Living according to your values is a major key to cultivating happiness and success.

This is an important step towards self-improvement because it takes you out of your comfort zone and pushes you to do things that are out of the ordinary.

Research has shown that people who follow their values are happier, healthier, and more successful. This means that you need to commit to doing what you truly love.

If you love to help others, then commit to helping others. If you love to travel, then commit to traveling whenever you can. The best part is that there are no “rules” or “guidelines” for what you should do when you’re committed to your values.


Self-improvement can feel like such a daunting task when you’re feeling pressed for time and energy. Fortunately, you don’t have to feel overwhelmed. There are plenty of self-improvement tips out there that anyone can incorporate into their daily lives. Whether you have time or not, they’re all important steps toward becoming the best version of yourself.



Rida Shoukat

Content writer and creator. Connect with me in sharing you inspiring and immersing content. I write about productivity, personal growth, and self improvement.