A Calm Mind in an Uncalm World

Practical Strategies for Finding Serenity in Uncertainty

Waleed Mahmud Tariq


Photo by Kalen Emsley on Unsplash

This article is in response to Mr. Atal’s very pragmatic query on my previous article, “What practical strategies or techniques do you recommend for someone struggling to find serenity in uncertain situations?”

In my last article I talked about embracing the serenity of the moment and balancing order and the chaos in our lives and as a way of attaining peace of mind. However, most of us often find ourselves at the mercy of life’s unpredictabilities, tossed around by the relentless moments of uncertainty. Many of us face, if not all, struggle with trying to find serenity in a world that almost seems designed to keep us on edge. If you’re seeking practical strategies to traverse this turbulent sea, allow me to share some techniques that have guided me towards a calmer state of mind.

Achor Yourself: Breath!

The breath is a powerful tool that we often overlook. It’s always with us, an anchor that can ground us in moments of chaos. When the mind starts to race, when the future feels overwhelming, take a moment to focus on your breathing.

Try this simple exercise: close your eyes and take a deep breath in, counting to four. Hold for a count of four, then slowly exhale for another four…



Waleed Mahmud Tariq

A creative nonfiction author of transformative philosophical ideas, exploring moral and political depths through an interdisciplinary lens.