A Quick Update

Part 2: An Untitled Story Sequence

comfort eboigbe
2 min readJan 27, 2024


To those wondering if I really asked my father for what would eventually belong to me.

Yes, yes, I did.

To those already judging me:

Your opinion doesn’t really matter because now, I’m very rich (emphasis on ‘very rich’)

Truthfully, it was a very scary experience. But thankfully, I have very creative friends.

I picked a day that my father threw a party. One of my father’s sheep had gotten lost, so he took time off from everything to look for the sheep.

I thought it was irrational, but seeing as I wanted to remain on his good side, I volunteered to help him look.

As soon as he found her, He carried her on his shoulders and invited all our neighbours and friends to a party to celebrate the return of his lost sheep.

How wasteful!

All that time and money, wasted when he could just have gotten a replacement. An even better sheep.

Like I said — wasteful!

Of course, I joined in. Who doesn’t love a party?

I waited for all the guests to leave, and then…

“Dad, I want my share of the estate.”

There was pin-drop silence. Even the housekeepers stood still.

After a second, my brother, Theophilus, responded, exploded seems like a more appropriate word.

“You are so ungrateful.

How dare you?

Our father…

How can you be so gullible?

I knew that eventually, those friends of yours would lead you astray.”

I knew he would never understand, but I didn’t expect him to go so far as to insult my friends.

Thank you so much for spending the time to read my stories. You can check out my other stories here or you can read the first part.

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comfort eboigbe

Hi, I'm Comfort and I am a Christian. I write to understand myself and others. Join medium (https://medium.com/@eboigbecomfort/membership) to see other things w