Acrostic Aspiration

An alliterative prompsponsive poem

Marcus aka Gregory Maidman


Tourists watching Old Faithlful by f11photo licensed from

Ravyne Hawke’s Promptly Written poetry prompt for today — write a hope poem using any form of that word

Openly optimistic
Possibility prevails
Eternally elevating
Freeing from fears
Ultimately utopian
Lastingly loving
Never negative
Eternally expectingly ecstatic
Spiritually seeking

Grammarly grows more hopelessly hapless by the day — this screenshot is how it interpreted my poem:

I love Ravyne’s prompts and have philia and agape for her:

Here are three previous creations her prompts inspired:

This one asked us to write a poem using five of these ten words (the words I chose are bolded): foreign, disable, calla lily, hostel, dire, glaze, travel, cloak, insure, yellow.



Marcus aka Gregory Maidman

Living 17,043rd human life. I am Marcus (universal name) or you may call me Greg; a deep thinker; an explorer of ideas and the mind.