America is Not the “Land of the Free”

Don’t believe the lies, America is not free and this illusion of freedom is slowly fading.




For most of my life and your’s I imagine, America has been referred to as a “beacon of hope”, “the land of the free”, “the land of opportunity”, and “the bringer of democracy”. Yet, this image the U.S. has desperately tried to uphold — with extensive levels of perception management — has often been the opposite of its actions around the world. More often than not, causing mass suffering for those the country has invaded (killing millions in the past 60 years) and those the nation has initiated covert operations in (seeing the overthrowing of democratically elected governments).

The smokescreen of democracy and freedom has gradually been fading away, with tremendous help from the Covid-19 pandemic (highlighting all the inequalities which plague the nation), and the general population are beginning to see what America truly is; an oligarchy, where freedom has not been present for some time — if ever.

Let us take a stroll through the reasonings as to why America is Not “the Land of the Free”. Covering topics such as wealth inequality, the U.S. operating as an oligarchy, domination of public opinion by major corporations, and more.

Wealth Inequality

