Best Stories of Stephen Dalton

Spurred by a prompt from Dr. Mehmet Yildiz, the founder and administrator of ILLUMINATION, the best publication on Medium, IMHO, I decided to accept his challenge to link some of my “best stories.”

Stephen Dalton
Published in
6 min readJun 26, 2020


A journal with feather quill and ink bottles.
Logo Design Created by the Author’s Daughter the Creator of Caliknit

These are some links to a few stories I wrote to help others succeed on Medium. Although I am not a big money earner on Medium, I have found some methods to make it easier to promote our stories.

Want to Write the Next Gone with the Wind

I wrote this when I was still quite new to Medium, though I have been writing professionally for nearly ten years and have enjoyed quite a bit of financial success elsewhere.

I came across a quote from Stephen King while reading a Medium article, “If you can turn out two pages a day for two years, you will have written 1,460 pages, a manuscript the length of Gone with the Wind.”

I thought, “Wow, he makes it sound pretty easy.” Well, of course, he has written many best-sellers, and he and his wife are worth more than $400 million.

Since I published it in July of 2019, 700 people have viewed it and it has more…



Stephen Dalton

Stephen Dalton is a retired US Army First Sergeant with a degree in journalism from the University of Maryland. Top Writer in Investing, Business, & Bitcoin!