Call for Submissions: New Publication on Style, Fashion, and Self-Improvement

Become a writer for “Restyle” and get a chance to receive 50$

2 min readMay 25, 2021


Image by the author

Hi, my name is Burk. I am a top writer in Fashion here on this platform. Recently, I created a new publication called “Restyle” that focuses on stories about fashion, style, menswear, grooming, life lessons, and self-improvement. For “Restyle”, I’m actively seeking new writers that have an unique take on fashion advice, an interesting style story to tell, or a tale on self-improvement to share.

Building a new publication

Help me build a new destination for fashion-related stories, for insights into sustainability, mindful shopping, timeless fashion, building confidence, and self-improvement, or anything style-related that pops into your mind.

Read Restyle’s guidelines to familiarize yourself with the submission process and check this Style Guide with quick formatting tips for your posts.

Rewarding future writers

My intention with this new publication is not only to read fresh style-related stories but also to reward new writers that have exceptional ideas and advice.

This is why I plan on giving away 250$ in total, 50$ for 5 people, to the most outstanding posts I receive for “Restyle” once this publication reaches a good number of followers and published stories. I will share more details on this giveaway soon.

I also intend to do a similar thing for future milestones. To be informed about these futures rewards, make sure to follow the publication and our newsletter.

Parting words

It’s never easy to start something new on an established platform. My hope for this new publication is to create a Restyle-community around advice, tips, tricks, tales of success and failure, and brilliant ideas. I’m so excited to have published the first guest writer story by Penny Walsh on May 25th, 2021.

If you want to join me, please follow Restyle, read the submission and style guides, and submit your draft. I’m truly looking forward to reading it!




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