Can God Create a Stone That He Cannot Lift?

Ajith Balakrishnan Nair
On God
Published in
3 min readMar 3, 2023
Photo by John Arano on Unsplash

“One argument suggests that if God is all-powerful, then he should be able to create a stone that he cannot lift. However, if God can create such a stone, then he is not all-powerful because he cannot lift it. On the other hand, if God cannot create a stone that he cannot lift, then he is also not all-powerful because there is something he cannot do.” — ChatGPT

An omnipotent God seems to me like a paradox. And if God(s) aren’t omnipotent, can they really help us? Prayers, sacrifices, “selfless” deeds. All for a slice of heaven.

Maybe the better question to ask is —

Can humans create something that they can’t control? Something that’s more powerful than us?

We have/will create an AI that’s better than us. If you doubt that, I’d suggest you explore ChatGPT.

Forget about AI, we can build weights that most people find hard to lift in gymnasiums.

Our children seem uncontrollable at times. And they all seem to be more intelligent at times with questions we can’t answer.

I am not a father, but the child in me asks seemingly stupid questions that I find impossible to answer.

  • Why do we pray? If it’s to get God’s blessings, aren’t we all beggars licking God’s boots to get a dime? Kneeling before God. Is God a monarch that will punish anyone who doesn’t kneel? Seems like he is a self-important sadist to me.
  • And if it’s for the good of the world, isn’t it just because we are upset with the world, and want to get rid of the pain or anger that the misery of the world is causing us? Seems selfish to me. If God is omniscient, wouldn’t he know that?
  • Is it okay to doubt our “father”?
  • Why did God create us unless he wants something from us? What is it that God wants from us? Entertainment? Education? Help with defeating evil? Something else? No matter what God wants from us, it seems the fact that he wants something from us proves he is not self-sufficient or happy with himself.
  • Can we defeat God’s purpose of creating us? If yes, God is not omnipotent/omniscient but a fool. And if not, we are mere pawns with no free will.
  • Does God have a sense of humor?
  • Can we ever be as good as/ better than God?
  • Is it safe to assume, that AI, as it gets better, will ask the same questions to us?
  • And is it safe to assume, our answers will be the same answers God has for us?
  • Creating a creation that creates another creation. Why didn’t God create AI instead of us?
  • Creating a creation that creates another creation. Why didn’t God make the world like today in an instant, but make us create it from the moment we came to this planet?
  • Creating a creation that creates another creation. You are one of the 8 billion people alive on earth. My assumption is many more billions lived before us. All to create us staring at our screens right now. That’s a lot of time wasted, don’t you think?
  • If you are a parent, would you want your child to grow up to be exactly like you? Isn’t it a little too selfish for God to expect the same from us?
  • Can God come up with a question that he cannot answer? Either yes or no would prove he is not omniscient. (This is just a variation of the first question).

These might not be the only questions I have about God, but I hope you will attempt to answer them. And if not, God better be ready if/when I meet him.

Thank you for your comments!

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Ajith Balakrishnan Nair
On God
Editor for

⭐️ Editor of Follower Booster Hub, The Quantified World, Illumination Videos and Podcasts, and On God⭐️. I am one part of a whole. Nothing more. Nothing less.