Does the Christian Bible Condone Rape and Abuse?

What does the Old Testament teach about consent, bodily autonomy, and sexual assault?

Sheng-Ta Tsai


Photo by Artem Maltsev on Unsplash

In today’s world, we all understand the importance of consent in sexual relations. Having sex with another person without their consent is considered rape, which is universally recognized as morally wrong and should be prohibited.

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It’s intriguing, then, that many Christians uphold the Bible as their sacred text, despite passages suggesting that God allows rape in certain situations.

This article will explore some of these passages where rape is implicitly or explicitly condoned and examine why most Christians’ attempts to explain away these passages fall short.

As an ex-Christian, my conclusion is clear: people are capable of developing better moral standards than those found in the Bible. This realization offers hope for humanity’s moral progress.

The rapist gets to marry his victim

The Old Testament contains laws addressing various crimes, including sexual assault. Here are two passages that are particularly troubling:

If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged…



Sheng-Ta Tsai

I write on Psychology, Religion, Self Improvement and Data Science. Visit my digital template shop: