Fritz Honka Was One Of Germany’s Most Notorious Serial Killers

This serial killer was living and killing just a few kilometers from my apartment. The bar where he found most of his victims, I visited several times myself. When he killed his last victim, I was two years old.

René Junge


Photo by Jose López Franco on Unsplash

Fritz Honka was a loser and alcoholic who hung around in run-down bars to find women he could still feel superior to.

He took them home to drink with them and have sex with them. When things didn’t go his way, he killed the women.

The disturbing personality of Fritz Honka and the milieu in which he operated have always stimulated the imagination of the Germans. Most recently, a brilliant feature film was made about Honka.

Why Fritz Honka still lives on in the memory of the Germans today and who the man was who caused a morbid fascination in many, you can read in my article Famous Serial Killers — Fritz Honka.

René Junge a published author writing on ILLUMINATION.

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René Junge

Thriller-author from Hamburg, Germany. Sold over 200.000 E-Books. get informed about new articles: