Goodpublicans — A Legacy of Perception & Integrity

The Goodpublicans (“Archpatriots” or “Potomac Tailors”) added to the ranks and zeitgeist of the Founding Fathers

Anthony Eichberger
Published in
6 min readMar 18, 2024


Photo by Chris Chow on Unsplash

In an effort to help people make sense of which generation is which (in the modern era), I’ve been gradually releasing installments of my Jigsaw Gens series. My initial goal throughout the second half of 2023 was to define each of the eight main generational cohorts that have formed since the Gilded Age began.

They are…

Hemingrebels | GI-Gens | Traditionalists | Baby Boomers

GenXers | Millennials | Zoomers | Alphas

Then, I began to look at decades before Hemingrebels (aka “the Lost Generation”) were born. So far, I’ve identified seven broad generations all the way back to when the 1763 Treaty of Paris was signed: Missionaries, Stowegressives, Golden Renegades, Redeemers, Transcendentals, Unimpressionists, and Madisonians.

So who came before the Madisonians?

It’s a group of Revolutionary War era agitators whom I dub the “Goodpublicans.”

Who They Are



Anthony Eichberger

Gay. Millennial. Pagan/Polytheist. Disabled. Rural-Born. Politically-Independent. Fashion-Challenged. Rational Egoist. Survivor. #AgriWarrior (Deal With It!)